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song: the beach slowed by lil gijs

THE RAPID BEEPING NOISE BECAME TOO MUCH TO BARE. Wherever it was coming from, it wasn't turning off any time soon. Daisy let out a loud groan, her head sunk into the cheap pillow of the hospital head. "Hello?" She said with a raised voice, hoping to catch the attention of whoever was next door with Kai.

When she got no response, she clenched her jaw and glanced down at the IV's in her arm. Before she could squirm over it for any longer, she braced herself and yanked the needles from her veins.

Frustratedly, she shoves the thin blanket off of her legs and lugs herself out of the bed. As her bare feet hit the cold hospital tiles, she straightened out her hospital gown before leaving the room.

She shut the door behind her as she glanced both ways down the hall, the floor they were on was completely empty- probably due to the amount of supernatural healing that was taking place.

Daisy stomped her way down the hall to the other room, where the beeping only got louder and more annoying. As she turned into the doorway, she spoke. "Is someone going to turn that off?" She asked annoyedly, but her annoyance was soon replaced with confusion.

Elena stood above the hospital bed, doing a panicked attempt at CPR on the unfamiliar woman in front of her. Kai was nowhere to be seen. Daisy narrowed her eyebrows confusedly, stepping forward. Elena glanced up quickly, then back down to what she was doing.

"Where'd he go?!" Elena asks as she pounded on the woman's chest, a mix of pure anger and pure fear in her voice.

Daisy shook her head, overwhelmed. "I- I don't know is he not here?!"

Elena swallowed harshly, glancing back up at the monitor and back to the woman. "He disappeared." She said, a panicked look on her face as she desperately performed compressions on the woman.

Daisy's chest began to rise and fall with stress, as she didn't know what to worry about first. Kai had left, who knows where, without her- but there was a woman about to flatline not two feet in front of her.

Before the devil on her shoulder could drag her away, she felt herself rushing forward. "Flatten the bed." Daisy said quickly, gesturing to the other side of the mechanical hospital bed where Elena stood.

Elena was taken aback at first, glancing up at the girl with a hint of shock before quickly beginning to lower the bed so the woman lay flat. "I know you're freaking out but you're not pushing hard enough." Daisy said, swallowing harshly.

She wasn't sure why she was doing this. It was like some old part of her just broke through a shell of desensitization, and basic human decency came back.

"Like this?" Elena asked, in between strained breathing.

Daisy nodded quickly, watching as the pale blonde woman in the bed showed little to no sign of life. "Aren't you a med student?" Daisy asks, trying to joke as an attempt to eliminate the knot growing in her throat. Elena didn't laugh, obviously.

When that wasn't doing anything, Daisy looked up, frantically looking around the room for something else to help- when her eyes landed on Damon, who's knocked out body was on the ground across the room.

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