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song: we exist by arcade fire

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song: we exist by arcade fire

DAISY TAPPED HER FOOT ANXIOUSLY. She'd never even been inside a police station, let alone questioned by them. She sat alone in an empty room, on a cold metal table with a cup of black coffee sat on the table in front of her.

She looked around at the dark room, brick walls, no windows, and only a single bright fluorescent light hung above her head. It was like any basic interrogation scene that she'd seen in movies, and it made her question how big of a deal this really was.

The door opened up, and Daisy turned to see George walk in first, and an unfamiliar woman, dressed in an out of style pantsuit walk in behind him. "Daisy Hendrix?" The woman says. She had olive skin, and dark ember curls. Daisy nods, swallowing, and the woman sits down in front of her, while George stands off in the corner. "I'm Alana Daley, I'm a detective centered in downtown Portland." She held out her hand and Daisy gave it a nervous shake.

If they had to pull in detectives from the city, maybe this was actually serious. "I didn't do it." Daisy spoke, almost choking on her words from nerves, she felt like she could cry.

Alana glances at George and back to Daisy. "We know that." She nods. "We're questioning a lot of people involved. We're required to question you— as I hear there was a fight between you and Jenna not long before she was killed."

Killed. The word didn't settle well with Daisy. Someone she went to school with was killed. She didn't die, she didn't get in a car wreck, or overdose, or— she was killed.

"Can you explain to me what the fight was about?" Alana asks.

Daisy nodded cautiously. "Um," Daisy searched for words that would make her sound innocent. She was innocent— but Alana didn't know that. She didn't know how to deal with this situation. "I'm dating this guy, and— he used to date this girl Carol." Daisy began. "Then Friday night after the football game, we went to Andy's— like we always do. Everyone does. And I left early, and Carol and a bunch of her friends and I got in a fight— over Tommy." The fight sounded so stupid when she said it out loud.

"Was Jenna there? At the fight?" Alana asks. Daisy thought that was implied, but nodded. "Did you see where Jenna went after Officer Arguello showed up?"

Daisy shrugged, thinking for a second. "They all just ran off out the other side of the alley."

Alana nods, writing down her words on a piece of paper. Decide her, lay a file. Daisy glanced at the file and up to Alana. "What happened to her? To Jenna?" She asks.

Alana sighs. "She was found this morning in the woods with a slit throat and a bashed in head." Alana says, distraught in her voice. Daisy's heart dropped for a second, as that was not what she was expecting to hear. "According to the autopsy, she would've most likely been killed around midnight Friday night."

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