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song: puttin' on the ritz by taco

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song: puttin' on the ritz by taco

SHE STOOD AT THE FRONT OF THE FUNERAL. Everyone's heads were down. Maybe it was them showing respect or maybe there were too afraid to look at what was coming. The coffin was pulled from the hearse by six strong men, all wearing suits. The silence dwelled as they entered the church. It wobbled as they carried it to the front and gently placed it down.

The funeral service was slower than a country bus, taking just as many detours. Everyone had a memory to share, a favourite hymn to sing. Whoever arranged it must have agreed to every request.

Daisy wanted nothing more than to just go home, she was tired of the fake tears and fake mourning. Of course it was sad, but they were milking it at this point.

As the funeral came to an end, everyone met outside the church to share their condolences with Tommy's family. Daisy lingered around her family, staying quiet, hoping that they'd pick up on her discomfort and finally just leave. She then felt a soft pat on her shoulder, and she turned around.

Carol stood in front of her, waxy face and puffy red eyes. Her curly perfect hair was pulled into a low ponytail, and she wore a long silky black dress with strong shoulder pads, with pearls.

Daisy awaited the threats, the accusations, she knew it was inevitable. But Carol look genuinely distraught, and she struggled for the right words to say. "I know you won't believe me," Carol began, letting out a scoff. "But I really am sorry." She nodded with a frown. Daisy was taken back for a second, waiting to respond just in case Carol wasn't being serious or something. "I know you really loved him."

If only she knew. Daisy tried to hide her smile. "Thanks." She let out. "I'm sorry, too."

Carol raised an eyebrow. "For what?"

"You loved him, too. I guess." Daisy shrugged. Carol sniffled, wiping her eyes before another tear fell. She gave Daisy a soft smile in response, before walking away so she didn't see her cry.

The following night, Kai and Daisy found themselves stumbling down the dark streets of downtown Portland, sharing a bottle of something they stole from a liquor store.

It was much busier than the last time they'd been there, people lined the sidewalk outside numerous clubs and bars. Smoking as they leaned up against brick walls and streetlights.

Daisy leaned against Kai for support as the alcohol made it difficult to walk in a straight line. Kai laughed as he wrapped an arm around her, holding her upright. "You are such a lightweight." He scoffs as they continue walking down the sidewalk, new music booming from every building they pass.

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