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song: vienna by billy joel

FOR THE FIRST TIME IN FOREVER, Daisy woke up to the sound of someone mowing their lawn. She sat up, her eyes barely open yet. She glanced to her left where the window sat, then let out a groan as she plopped her head back onto her pillow, folding it over to cover her ears.

This guy had mowed his lawn every other day since she'd been here. At seven AM. Who was he trying to impress?! Whose grass grew that fast?! She missed not having neighbors.

Daisy heard a quick knock at the door. "Oh, come on." She groaned, as she slowly drug herself out of the bed.

She threw a big sweatshirt on over her pajamas as she made her way downstairs, the hardwood floors cold on her bare feet. She swung the door open, to Ezra who stood on the front porch.

"That's a good look." He said sarcastically, as Daisy's resting bitch face may or may not have been purposeful. "Are we not getting breakfast today?" He asks.

For the almost two weeks she'd been in Winslow, her and Ezra had gotten breakfast together. Either at one of the restaurants or coffee shops, or at one of their houses. Sometimes his friends would tag along, but he couldn't usually get them to wake up this morning.

She rubbed her eyes. "Shit. Yeah, sorry I didn't set an alarm." She scoffed, she opened the door wider and he came inside.

"You've decorated." He says, looking around at all the new furnishings and art on the walls.

Daisy shut the door behind him with a yawn. "Yeah, Iris took me shopping yesterday." She looked around. It definitely wasn't things she'd usually purchase if given the chance to shop freely literally anywhere— but the nearest city from Winslow was miles away.

Ezra nodded and turned back to face her with an inquisitive face. "So you're thinking you'll stick around?" He asked.

She let out a little scoff as she made her way upstairs, he followed shortly behind. "I am sticking around." She shrugged. "Until I get bored." She added.

Ezra laughed. "Am I boring you?"

Daisy walked into her bedroom, which was an absolute disaster, and Ezra plopped down on her bed as she started to get ready. "Not yet." She shot him a sarcastic smile, as she went to her bathroom and began to brush her teeth.

Ezra glanced out the window. "Dude this guy is obsessed with his lawn."

Daisy widened her eyes and peaked outside the bathroom, letting her toothbrush dangle from her mouth. "Jesus christ I know!" She laughed. "Every. Freaking. Morning." The two exchanged laughs and Daisy turned back into the bathroom.

When she was here, in Winslow, things were slowly becoming more and more normal. And she needed normal. She needed to feel like she was in a real town, with real friends and having real school-girl crushes.

"Do you want me to call everyone and see if they wanna join us?" Ezra asked.

Daisy thought for a second as she glanced at him and then back into the mirror, where she spit out her toothpaste into the sink. "Just us." She says, feeling a little burst of confidence. Ezra didn't reply, but he didn't need to.

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