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song: black out days by phantogram

THE MEDICAL CENTER was much busier than expected, people in scrubs rushing around with clipboards in hand. While there didn't seem to be any emergencies taking place, the fast paced walking of all the nurses and doctors sure made it seem like there was.

Daisy walked behind Kai, the two of them making sure to blend in with the guests as much as they could. "We're just gonna walk up to her?" Daisy says, in a hushed whisper. "Like now?"

Kai nods. "That's the plan."

"And then what?" Daisy asks, narrowing her eyes at him as they walked behind a group of medical students.

"Okay, I haven't planned that far." He says. "We'll just get a quick gage of how she's doing magic-wise, so I can see how high my chances are of winning the merge." He shrugs, like it was nothing. "She won't even know we were here."

"How high your chances are?" Daisy questions, narrowing her eyebrows at him. "They're pretty high, aren't they? You said you'd win—"

"And I will." Kai interrupts. "But it doesn't hurt to check on our competition."

Daisy let's out a huff, as she follows Kai up to the front desk where a nurse sat behind a computer. He leans against the counter and smiles. "Hi," he says sweetly.

The nurse slowly looks up from her computer. "Can I help you two?" She asks, glancing in between the two.

Daisy nods. "We're looking for Josette Laughlin."

The nurse nods a bit. "Do you have an appointment with her?" She asks.

Daisy and Kai exchange glances before returning their attention to the nurse. "Yes." Kai nods confidently. "I've got a horrible rash on my back and like-" he motions to his back, "It's getting really itchy, and gross-"

"A rash?" The nurse stops him.

Daisy couldn't hide the disgusted look on her face as Kai nods along with a frown.

"Dr. Laughlin doesn't treat those kinds of things, you'll need to go to the dermatologist." The nurse says.

Kai stifled a frustrated sigh, as he tapped his rings on the counter he leaned on. "Nope, nope- see I have an appointment with her." He says, gesturing towards the computer.

The nurse sighs, unamused. "Name?" She asks.

"Malachai Parker." Kai responds, as Daisy looked around the lobby and kept watch.

"I don't see a Malachai for today." The nurse responds, she gets out a sticky note and a pen. "I'll take your name and number and have her call you when she's done with the med students."

"With the med students?" Daisy says, refocusing her attention back to the nurse.

The nurse nods, writing down Kai's name on the sticky note. "Phone number?" She asks.

Kai shakes his head. "No need, she'll know the name." He takes a breath. "Make sure you write Daisy Hendrix, too."

"Are the med students here, right now?" Daisy asks.

kai parker • villains of circumstance ✔️Where stories live. Discover now