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song: blue monday by new order

"IS THERE A REASON YOU'RE IGNORING ME?" Kai asks Daisy, breaking the peaceful silence that weighed over the street as they walked down it.

Both with their own respective backpacks of gathered supplies, or things they might've wanted to take with them to the real world on their backs. Daisy realized even after twenty two years here, nothing had ever stayed constant enough to where she had anything she felt sentimentally attached to. Her backpack was light, only holding a few tapes, and a bag of pretzels she'd grabbed from the gas station.

"Nope." Daisy responds, walking a few feet ahead of him.

Kai huffed, watching with annoyed eyes as she completely disregarded his presence. "So you're not mad at me?" He asks, the question was unnecessary, as she was clearly upset about something- but he wanted to egg on the conversation anyways.

Daisy let out a small scoff. "Why would I be mad at you, Kai?" She asks, sarcasm in her voice.

"You tell me." Kai shrugged.

Daisy ran her tongue over her teeth, stifling an outburst of anger. "Maybe you're just overly sensitive. Because I am totally and completely fine right now. And maybe—" she pauses for a quick second. "And maybe you're the one that's mad and- and you're deflecting." She says, using too many hand gestures as she spoke.

Kai made sure she was done before he responded. "I'm not deflecting. Just curious." He says. "But, glad to hear you're doing totally and completely fine." He says, with not so subtle sarcasm.

Daisy turned around to face him abruptly, earning Kai to stop in his tracks so he didn't bump into her. "Totally." She forced a smile. "And completely."

Kai's bland expression didn't change as she spoke. "You sure?"

Daisy let the last of her rage simmer out before she spoke, but she must've not waited long enough. "You were all over her." Daisy shook her head.

Kai looked satisfied that she'd finally admitted what she was freaking out over. "Who?" He asks, even though the answer was obvious.

Daisy shoved him back a little bit. "You're being a dick!" She raised her voice slightly.

"I didn't think it was a big deal," Kai shrugged. "Considering we're business partners." He mocked her words from earlier.

Daisy's face quickly morphed into realization, then right back to anger. "Oh my god, someone's being a bit dramatic." She shook her head, letting out a small scoff.

He widened his eyes in disbelief. "Yeah, you!" He responds. "If that's all we are then why do you care so much if I'm all over another girl?" He asked, a smug look on his face.

"It was a joke, Kai! I was joking!" Daisy waved her hands around in his face as she spoke.

"Then what are we?!" Kai asks.

The conversation took a quick turn. Daisy was taken aback for a moment, but cleared that look off her face before Kai could read it. "You're doing this on purpose." Daisy scoffed. "It- it doesn't matter— there's bigger things at hand right now." She tried to shrug off his question, not wanting to discuss it. She started to turn around and continued their walk back to Damon's house, but Kai spoke again.

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