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song: let go by ark patrol

WALTER RETURNED TO HIS LIVING ROOM WITH TWO CUPS OF COFFEE. Daisy accepted the mug with a smile, whereas Kai just eyed him until Walter sat it down on the table beside him.

Walter's house was small, but cute. It was a hunting cabin, that sat at just the edge of the beach. The walls were logged and the furniture was dark wooded, with as many flannel blankets and fabrics as you could imagine.

"Can I get you guys anything else? I caught some striped bass this morning I could fry it up?" Walter offers. It was clear he was happy to have guests. Daisy knew all too well of the feeling of isolation, but her heart hurt at the thought of this old man here by himself for two years.

"Oh no, we're okay." Daisy smiles faintly. "Thank you, though." She says, swallowing. She glances at Kai who didn't look very pleased to be here.

Walter sat down and Kai leaned forward, examining him. Walter didn't meet Kai's eyes, even though it was clear he was staring straight at him.

The silence was too loud, and Daisy spoke up. She cleared her throat. "So you've stayed in Bar Harbor the whole time?" Daisy asks, sipping her warm coffee.

Walter nodded towards Daisy, glad to have the reason to avoid Kai's glare. "Bar Harbor is my home. It didn't feel right to leave it behind even if... circumstances changed." Walter said. "And you two... how long have you been here?"

Daisy took a breath. "Four years."

Walter turned Kai to hear his answer, but he said nothing. Just stared at him. Daisy spoke for him. "He's been here almost six months." She said.

Walter nodded with an awkward half smile. "I can imagine it's been difficult."

Difficult was an understatement. "Yes—" Daisy began to respond but was cut off when Kai finally said something.

"Let's cut to the chase." He leans back in his chair with a huff. "Where's your grimoire?" He asks. Daisy rolled her eyes at Kai's bluntness.

Walter clenched his jaw before standing up, walking towards a broom closet. "I've searched through this numerous times for answers, and got nothing." He says with a sigh, opening the closet and grabbing the grimoire from a high shelf. It looked a bit different to the one Daisy had set on fire, but same idea. "So I'll doubt you'll find whatever you're looking for."

Kai stood up from his seat, grabbing the book from Walter and setting it down on the coffee table in front of Daisy, sitting beside her. "Why were you sent you here?" Kai asks, skimming through the pages of the unfamiliarly worded book.

Daisy glanced up at Walter, who now wore an uncomfortable expression. When the man didn't answer, Kai lifted his gaze off the book and too him, raising an eyebrow. "It's not something I want to talk about." Walter shook his head, and his mouth twitched into a clearly uncomfortable smile.

Daisy looked over at Kai who was beside her. His eyes were focused on Walter, examining him with a hint of suspicion, before he turned back to Daisy. When they met eyes, she quickly turned away.

"That's okay." Daisy nodded. "I understand."

"Daisy can we talk outside." Kai spoke, but not in a questioning tone. More of a demand. She looked at him confusedly, and he grabbed her arm, standing up from the couch.

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