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song: everything in its right place by radiohead

"SHE'S IN HERE." The words echoed off the walls and Daisy jumped at the sudden noise.

She lifted her head, though however she was sleeping on her neck just then must've been all wrong since any and all movement hurt. Or, she was sleeping on her neck just fine, and it was the fact that she had slept all night on a freezing cement floor.

Her eyes widened, panicking. She kicked her feet, shuffling backward as she inhaled sharply. He'd found her. He'd found her and locked her in that pantry again. She'd braced for the tug at her wrists that would follow if she was bound to something. But the panic only lasted for a split second, similar to the moment of terror you feel when someone wakes you up from the deep sleep you were in.

And she felt ridiculous when she readjusted to her surroundings, she was just on the floor of the park bathroom, laying on her still sopping wet coat for any sort of comfort. Right where she was when she fell asleep.

"Oh my god," Josette says in a panic, joining Alaric in the doorway to the bathroom. She looks at Daisy worriedly, then rushes over to her. "Daisy, I'm so sorry."

Daisy wasn't sure what she was apologizing for. Not because she wasn't in need of an apology, but because there were so many thing to feel sorry about right now.

Josette bent down and helped Daisy up. "She's freezing." She says, speaking to Alaric, like Daisy wasn't right there. "Do you have a blanket- or a change of clothes in your truck?"

"I'll go check." Alaric says, before making a swift exit out the doorway.

Daisy was still readjusting to the brightness of the daytime light. And a sudden embarrassment came over her when she realized how insane she probably must look right now. Soaking wet, covered in blood, on the ground of a pretty much abandoned bathroom. She was glad Josette found her before anyone else did, though. It would probably be quite the start for the next kid who needed to use the bathroom at the park.

"I'm so sorry." Josette says. "I didn't wake up until an hour ago— I would've found you sooner. I can't believe Alaric just left you, I'm so—"

"It's okay." Daisy responded, cutting Josette off for apologizing a third time. Daisy could believe Alaric would leave her. It's not like he had any reason to show her kindness, she'd been nothing but a terror to him and the people he loved.

But here Josette was, already examining Daisy's injury with worry, despite them only being a few cuts. She didn't care what Daisy had done, or said, she was here to help. She just wanted to help.

Apart of Josette always blamed herself for what happened to Daisy. If she'd just spoken up sooner, none of this could've happened. But she also believed everything happens for a reason.

If Daisy was never sent to the prison world, Josette's family never would have up and left Wayward. Which lead to Kai going crazy, killing half their family and him being sent away himself. Which lead to Josette deciding she had to leave, separate herself entirely from her twisted family. Which lead to her getting a job in Mystic Falls, which lead to her meeting Alaric, which lead to her being pregnant.

It was selfish, and absolutely crazy to even consider that Daisy being sent to the prison world had anything to do with the fact that she was so happy right now. But when she went back and evaluated every moment— it was true.

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