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song: no one's here to sleep by naughty boy

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song: no one's here to sleep by naughty boy

THE NOVEMBER SUN BARELY PEAKED OVER THE HORIZON, as navy early morning skies still lingered outside. Daisy stepped out of Kai's shower, ringing her hair out into a towel. She wiped the steam off the mirror and examined her face.

She still looked the same. Just felt different. Better, even. She grazed a finger over the cut that lay under her eye from Tommy's ring, wincing a bit as it was still open.

The bedroom door opened and Daisy peaked out from around the corner, Kai walked in with bloodied towels, the knife in his hand. "All clean." He says with a cheeky smile, he had stepped outside earlier to clean up the mess that was leftover in his car from last night.

"What'll you do with that?" Daisy asks, gesturing towards the knife in his hand.

Kai walks over to his window, before bending down and lifting up a floorboard. Daisy scoffs as she watches him pull out a small chest, opening it, and putting the knife away. "There." He says, putting the floorboard back.

He stands up and walks over to Daisy. "People are going to start asking questions." She bites her cheek as she thinks, being sober made contemplation a lot easier— and a lot more stressful.

He sighs, a hint of impatience. "How many times do I have to tell you that if people start figuring things out— my family will take care of it." He says, cupping her face and reassuring her. He leaned in and planted a kiss on her lips, before walking over to his dresser and grabbing a sweatshirt and sweatpants, handing them to Daisy.

Daisy took her towel off and slipped the sweatshirt over her body. "So." She begins. "I'm not just gonna ignore the fact that you're entire family is a bunch witches— because— what the hell?" She says, laughing a bit.

"It's not as cool as it sounds." Kai says, leaning against his dresser. "Or at least the shit I got stuck with."

Daisy puts the sweatpants on, before plopping down on his bed and narrowing her eyebrows at Kai. "What do you mean?"

He shrugs. "I'm kind of a defect." He says, scratching his forehead. "I can only siphon magic from other people. I don't really have my own."

"Oh." Daisy says, processing his words, trying to make some sense of it. "Do something. With your magic." She nods.

Kai leans up. "Can't. I'm out." He twiddles his fingers. "At least until my family comes home. I used all of it last night."

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