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song: maneater by daryl hall & john oates

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song: maneater by daryl hall & john oates

THE BRUISE HAD BEGUN AS A PRUPLE STAIN above her eyebrow that had sunk into the socket itself, and so now it had the appearance of a black eye.

Daisy winced at each touch, letting her feet dangle over the kitchen table as her mother aided her wounds. Susan lightly tapped a damp cloth over a cut on Daisy's cheek that she got from landing on the rough concrete. Allison sat beside her in a chair, anxiously tapping her foot and biting her nails, as George asked her numerous questions about the 'attack.'

"It's really not that big of a deal." Daisy shrugs.

Susan pulled away from her face. "Not a big deal?" She widened her eyes. "You're lucky you don't have any broken bones."

"We can file a police report on it, right?" Allison spoke up.

George nodded. "Y—"

"No." Daisy shook her head. "No way. It was just a few girls from school. Everyone gets in fights."

Susan shook her head, continuing to clean the blood off her daughters face. "That was not some petty school fight, that was assault." Her voice cracked a little.

Daisy felt a little pang to her heart. She didn't want her mom to worry about her anymore than she already did. "I really don't want to make this a problem." Daisy says.

George and Susan exchange a glance before George asks another question. "Do you know any of the other girls involved?" He says.

Daisy thinks for a moment. "Tommy said something about a girl named Jenna— I think she was the blonde one. Jenna Silvey maybe?" She shrugs.

George writes down her words on a little note pad, and she knew that whether or not they filed a police report— this was going to turn into a big deal.

The doorbell rang, and Susan sighs, putting the damp cloth back in the water bowl, before walking over to the front door to see who was here. Daisy's eyes trailed down over to the cloth, only to see it covered in her blood, they then trailed over to her sister— who looked completely petrified.

"Daisy, it's Tommy." Susan yells from the front entry.

George looks up from his notepad with a huff. "Let me have a word with him." He said frustratedly.

Daisy gently hopped down from the table, stopping George from heading to the door. "I can handle it." She says.

Daisy held her bruised side as she met her mother at the front door. Tommy stood on the porch with an upset expression on her face and she sent him a weak smile, stepping outside. "We'll be inside." Susan says, shutting the door and leaving the two outside.

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