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song:  wires by the neighbourhood

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song:  wires by the neighbourhood

DAISY EXPECTED TO WAKE TO SOFT SHEETS. To the morning sunlight trickling through her windows, that warmed her up before she got out of her bed every morning.

She didn't have to open her eyes to know she wasn't home. The ground beneath her body was cold and hard, she heard the buzzing of fluorescent lights, and loud air blowing through a vent.

Her eyes shot open as soon as her brain caught up with her body. She was laid on a floor, on a thin plaid blanket. Her eyes trailed up to find shelves that lined the small room she was in, stocked with boxes of foods and alcohol.

As soon as panic sunk in, she shot to her feet— only to fall back down when a zip tie tied to her wrists yanked her back to the ground. Her eyes widened as she turned to examine them, they were tied tightly and neatly to a pipe that stood beside her. She didn't even have enough time to freak out before she was yanking and pulling away at the ties. They dug into her skin, and she winced in pain, but stopped before she realized she was only making it tighter.

Daisy swallowed harshly, looking around frantically. Fear tortured her guts, churning her stomach in tense cramps. She stood up as much as she could, looking past a shelf of food that was blocking her view. Two doors, with circle windows stood at the opposite side of the room. As she looked out the windows, she immediately recognized where she was.

Outside the pantry she found herself in, was Mike's nightclub that Kai had taken her to so many times.

"Fuck." Daisy exhaled, leaning back down to tug at her restraints, not thinking logically— but instead with a frantic, panicked brain that she had no control over right now.

How could she possibly be so naïve? How could she not see the warning signs? All the red flags? How come she didn't just listen to Josette?

Daisy wanted to cry over her own idiocy. There was no coming back from this. There was no going home to her mother and figuring things out. There was no talking things out with Kai.

Her life was over.

She fell back down onto the ground, every ounce of energy leaving her body as a knot began to form in her throat. She lay her head back against the shelf, and closed her eyes. Her lips trembled first, then came the waterfalls of tears that wouldn't stop for who knew how long. She couldn't even feel bad for herself. She didn't deserve to feel bad for herself. She had it coming.

Everyone gets what's coming for them someday. And apparently that was today.

Daisy didn't know how much time passed. She was tired of crying, she was tired of fighting, she just didn't have a reason to keep trying anymore. She didn't move for who knew how long, as she just waited for whatever came next.

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