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song: psycho killer by talking heads

"KISS ME." Daisy let out, so quiet she could barely hear herself.
Kai didn't lift his gaze off her eyes; he just breathed in and out slowly, his heart beginning to beat rapidly at her words. "Kiss me." She repeated.

Kai's eyes flicked to her lips and then back up to her eyes, and he leaned in quickly.

Before their lips could connect, Daisy quickly brought her hand up and wrapped it around his throat, pushing him away from her. His eyes burst open in surprise, as her lips twitched into a smile. "Predictable."

Kai pulled away, annoyedly freeing himself from the grip she had on his neck. His hair was disheveled and still wet with gasoline. He started to walk away but turned back around to speak. "Are you gonna keep playing this game with me or can we carry on with our lives like adults?" His tone was serious.

"Carry on with our lives?" She raised her eyebrows pushing herself up off the wall. "Not sure if you've noticed but there's no lives to carry on with here."

"You know what I mean." He says with a frustrated sigh as he rubbed his eyes.

"I don't." She retorted.

He looked at her like she was an idiot. "We're stuck here together we might as well try and fix what we had. There's no—"

"Kai! You have to be kidding me." Daisy let out a shocked laugh. "I want nothing to do with you." She narrows her eyes at him, her words cold. She starts walking past him, past all the broken glass and fresh blood that was covering the lobby of her apartment, and towards the elevators. She clicks the button and the elevator door opens.

He follows her to the elevator. "So you just want to isolate yourself then? Forever?"

"Yup." She says in a bored tone, as she steps inside. She turns to face him as the elevator door shut.

Kai quickly brought a hand up and stopped the door from closing. He swallowed and clenched his jaw, hesitating before speaking. "I can't handle being alone." He says.

Daisy examined his expression. Pleading, desperate eyes. He was different, clearly, but his words still felt so familiar. She'd gone through this with him once before and she couldn't do it again.

Neither of them moved for a few seconds before Daisy broke the eye contact and clicked the elevator door button.

Kai ran his tongue over his teeth frustratedly before stepping inside the elevator and pressing the emergency stop button. Daisy widened her eyes in frustration as she took an unnecessarily deep breath. She wanted to scream in annoyance but she knew that's just the reaction he wanted from her.

"Let's go get food." Kai suggests, like they were just two casual friends who didn't try to kill each other less than five minutes ago.
She glares at him. "Just one meal. And then I'll leave you alone."

"No you won't." She shakes her head.

He thinks for a second. "You're right I won't but—"

She scoffs and walks past him out of the elevator, heading towards the stairs. He instinctively grabs her arm and she turns around annoyedly, yanking her arm from his grip.

kai parker • villains of circumstance ✔️Where stories live. Discover now