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song: cry little sister by gerard mcmann

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song: cry little sister by gerard mcmann

THE KISSES WERE SLOPPY, but Daisy didn't mind. It had been too long since she had felt Kai's lips on hers, and she wasn't in the mood to be picky. They were both just as eager as one another to touch again, and it showed.

She climbed on top of him, straddling his lap as his strong hands held held her back. He brought a hand to her jaw and tilted her head to the side, as he brought his kisses down to her neck, and she felt shivers down her spine at his touch.

Kai began to lean down onto the couch of Daisy's living room, as no one was home at the time, but Daisy stops kissing. She opens her eyes, glancing over to the front door as there was a knock.

"Who is that?" She says, not really asking, more like speaking out loud.

"Leave it." Kai says, leaning towards her and connecting their lips again.

Daisy soon began to kiss back, but stopped again when the knock repeated. She sighed, and began to get off Kai's lap, but he grabbed her arm and stopped her. "It's fine." He nodded, leaning towards her again.

"I can't just ignore it." Daisy scoffs, grabbing her shirt off the ground, and putting it on as she approached her front door, the full moon shining through the windows as she passed by.

Daisy opened the door. Carol stood on her front porch, her skin pale and yellowed, an open gash was displayed on the side of her head, as blood drained from her head.

Daisy felt like an invisible hand had clasped over her mouth. An equally ghostly hypodermic of adrenaline pierced her heart, unloading in an instant. She felt her ribs heaving as if bound by ropes, straining to inflate her lungs.

"Did you know I had just got accepted to Vanderbilt University the night I was killed?" Carol asked, her eyes glossed over and lifeless. "And now I'm six feet underground and my family thinks I was so wasted that I fell and hit my head on the sink."

Daisy shook uncontrollably, backing up slowly as it felt like Carol was only getting closer. "I didn't— I didn't want this—" Daisy didn't even register the words coming from her mouth. She glanced over to the living room, there was no trace of Kai.

She turned back to Carol, only to find Jenna Silvey standing in her place, throat slit, skin decayed and falling apart. Jenna flung her arms out towards Daisy to grab her, and Daisy opened her mouth to scream, but no sound came out.

Daisy spun around to get away, to find Tommy stood in front of her, not letting a second pass before he plunged a knife in her stomach.

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