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song: friday i'm in love by the cure

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song: friday i'm in love by the cure

THE AUTUMN DRESSED HERSELF FOR THE COMING SEASON, donning her most vibrant hues. She has swept into the streets and woodlands of the small town of Wayward, Oregon with a humble boldness that invites the eye to see more than they otherwise might. Jack-o-Lanterns lined the front porches of neighboring houses, hanging skeletons and makeshift graveyards filled their front lawns.

The halls of Wayward high were not much different. Fake cobwebs hung from locker to locker, orange and black streamers fell from the ceilings. Daisy hung her head low to avoid knocking them down.

While it had been a week since Jenna Silvey was killed, the tension still lingered in the fall breeze. Some people didn't know what to do with themselves, wondering if all the Halloween festivities were almost a bit insensitive.

Yet, people persisted that things carried on as normal— as Halloween was a big deal in Wayward, they spent the entire month of October celebrating, not just the 31st.

"Hey." Jen says, joining Daisy at her side as she walked down the hall. "You're going to Fall Fest with me tonight, right?" She asks.

Daisy frowns. "I told Tommy I'd go with him." She says, pushing through a group of people who decided to have their conversation in the middle of a hallway.

"Cool." Jen nodded. "He can come along."

Daisy laughed lightly. "I think he wants it to be just us two."

"It's 'just you two' every night, now." Jen rolls her eyes, then tugs on Daisy's arm. "Come onnn, we go together every year. This is our thing." Jen whined.

Daisy nodded, knowing Jen was right. "Okay, okay." She says. "I'll talk to him."

Jen smiles and continues walking as normal. "Good." She says happily. "I'll see if Jo can come, too."

Daisy's heart skipped a beat. "Uh—" She began, trying to word this right. "Don't you want it to be just us two?" Daisy asked.

Daisy loved Josette, and she didn't mind if she came at all— it was Josette's counterpart she was more worried about. Although Daisy and Kai sat together in first period every day, they hadn't spoken at all since that night. It was complete, painful, silence for forty-five minutes a day. Daisy couldn't tell if he was feeling just as awkward as her, or if he was using the silence to torture her.

"You mean me, you, and Tommy?" Jen raises an eyebrow.

Daisy swallows, knowing there was no way out of this without hurting Josette's feelings. "Yeah." She shook her head. "Never mind."

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