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song: when i'm small by phantogram

"ARE YOU A GAMMA?" A blonde girl says as she quickly approaches Daisy, an excited look on her face.

Daisy flinched as the girl steps towards her, as she didn't see her coming. Daisy stops in her tracks, glancing at Kai and then back to the girl. "Am I a what?" She asks, confused.

"A Kappa Gamma!" The girl responds, making a hand sign with her fingers.

Kai made a little snorting noise under his breath, and Daisy struggled to keep a rude look off of her face. "I am n—"

"Well are you rushing?" The girl asks, that robotic smile not leaving her face the entire conversation.

"No—" Daisy begins, but Kai cuts her off.

"Yes, she is." He nods, stepping into the conversation. He crosses his fingers and holds them up. "Hoping for Kappa Gam." He narrows his eyes and nods. Daisy gives him a confused look.

The girl claps excitedly and turns back to Daisy, "Maybe we'll be sisters—"

"Where's The Tomahawk?" Kai asks, interrupting the girl.

The girl looks back to Kai, her smile faltering for just a split second as she was interrupted. "The bar?" She raises her eyebrows.

Kai nods.

She thinks for a second, then gestures towards the other side of the large lawn separating them from other large brick buildings. "It's a little bit off campus. It's super cool we have parties there all—"

"Thanks." Kai says, putting a hand on Daisy's back and walking her away along the sidewalk, abandoning the girl. "Sorority girls. You just have to nod and smile." Kai says as they continued walking.

The campus was big, it looked typical to what any college would look like- but Daisy didn't have much to compare it to. She'd never had any college tours or anything, though she'd seen them in movies.

Students sat on blankets on the huge lawn that sat in the center of the campus. They read books and took notes, or they typed things on the very small computers they had on their laps. The weather was much nicer here than it was in Oregon. It was chilly, but wasn't as miserably cold. At least the sun was out.

Kai stretched his hands, flexing his fingers over and over. Daisy glanced at them and back to his face. "Does it feel weird?" She asked.

Kai looks at her, then focuses back to their path of walking. He nods a bit, continuing to flex his hands. "Feels empty." He says. "I'm gonna have to get used to not having magic at my disposal again." He lets out a little scoff, Daisy frowns.

He grabbed the cell phone from his pocket, holding the screen out away from his face could attempt to read the small text it displayed. She watched confusedly. "I don't understand how that thing even works." Daisy says, as they walked down the sidewalk. "There's no chord." She shrugs.

"And it's too small- I can't read anything." Kai says.

"You need glasses." Daisy takes the cell phone from him, looking at the small screen. "That girl pointed over there, and it looks like it's right across from..." Daisy looks up from the phone and her eyes land to the pointed roof of the church building. "That church." She says, before looking back to the phone. "Holy shit- is that your sister?!" She says, holding the screen closer to her eyes to get a better look.

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