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song: space age love song by a flock of seagulls

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song: space age love song by a flock of seagulls

DECEMBER ROLLED AROUND. The winter wind howled through the desolate marsh and bit at Daisy's skin. The short days, and long nights, the dampness that crept into her weary bones and made them ache for summer again.

She slept in more than she usually did on Saturday's, there was no reason to wake up early if there was nothing to do that day. The bright, intense winter sun woke her up naturally, and she debated whether or not she even wanted to get up in the first place. Staying inside her warm bed sounded much more enjoyable.

But she lugged herself out, putting on a big sweatshirt over her pajamas before heading out her room to get breakfast. She rubbed her eyes as she swung her door open, to find Allison about to walk in, a confused expression on her face.

"What?" Daisy says, her voice rough and tired.

"The FBI is here..." Allison said in a confused tone.

Daisy felt herself immediately wake up. "What?!" She said in a hushed tone.

"I don't know I was making coffee and this woman with a badge showed up at the front door and—" Allison shrugs.

"Well—" Daisy quickly navigated all possible routes. "What do they want, why are they here?"

"I don't know!" Allison responds defensively. "They're talking to George and Mom right now."

Daisy inhales deeply, hesitating with whether she should go downstairs and find out what was going on, or just hide in her room hoping they'll leave.

"Maybe they found a lead on Tommy's killer." Allison suggests.

Or maybe Daisy was just freaking out for nothing. Maybe they're just here to question her just like they did with Jenna. Or maybe they know it was her and they're here to take her to fucking prison.

"Allison!" Susan yells from downstairs. Daisy and Allison both look towards the steps.

"Yeah?" Allison yells back.

"Would you wake up your sister and tell her to come to the kitchen?" Susan yells.

Daisy felt her throat tighten up. She was fucked.

"Yeah." Allison says, as she turns back to Daisy with a concerned expression.

Daisy ignored her, and passed her as she went down the stairs, taking the last few seconds before going to the kitchen to put up her front. She took a big gulp before turning into the kitchen.

"What?" She said, looking at her mom who sat down beside Detective Alana at the kitchen table. Daisy's shes trailed over to her and Alana smiled faintly. "What's going on?" Daisy asks, stepping towards the table

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