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song: bad things by cults

"NOVA SCOTIA. GOT IT." Jeremy says, examining the map he held in his hands.

Kai couldn't muster anything to say in response due to the sudden pain that erupted in his stomach. It was sharp, and despite not seeing what had caused it he could tell it had entered through his back- and almost made it through out his stomach.

"What—" Jeremy says, confusedly, as the map he was previously holding in his hands falls to the ground. He bent down quickly to pick it back up, but his hands were going through it- no longer able to make physical contact.

Kai could feel the connection slipping, his brain felt like it could explode. Not from the obvious stab wound, but from the amount of magic he was forcing into this spell. Jeremy looked up at Kai with wide eyes, noticing the blood that seeped through his white shirt. It was then when Kai's focused slipped, and the connection gave out completely.

As a short bright light filled his eyes, he could feel whatever had stabbed him being yanked out, and as soon as he returned to the real world- he toppled forward with a loud groan as the pain really got a chance to sink in.

Jeremy's eyes shot open, looking at the assailant with confusion and surprise. "What are you doing?!" He shouts, charging towards them- but didn't make it far as both Kai and Jeremy were pushed across the room at the hand of magic.

Kai could hear glass shattering, tables skid across the hard wood floors as he drug away with him. There wasn't much you could do as you felt magic physically push you away, but close your eyes for a moment and wait for it to be done.

When the momentum slowed, he forced himself to turn over and face whoever had come after them. He held his stomach, where blood seeped through his fingers as he focused his gaze on Olivia, where she stood a few feet away.

Immediately, he knew she was here to kill him. He could see it in her eyes. There was a hint of total disparity to her stature that made it all seem very rational, too.

He chuckled, against his own will, which really reminded him of the fresh stab wound. "Dang sis," he scoffed, using his free hand to help him to his feet. "That was harsh."

"Shut up." Liv says with a forced confidence that was deemed forced by the slight tremor in her voice.

She lifted a hand and immediately Kai braced for the overwhelming ringing that shot through his ears, only to be followed by the pain that pushed into his brain. It felt like swimming too far down, that pressure that just kept adding and adding on to your body until it felt like your head might burst open. Only, the magic that it took to do this made it about a thousand times more painful.

He kept his eyes open, despite the feeling like they might pop out of his head. With the strength he had left, he flung his hand out towards a fork that had somehow ended up on the floor with all the other broken items. His magic latched onto it, before he flung it out towards his sister.

He knew it must've hit her too as her spell immediately stopped. Kai smiled, watching as Liv stumbled back with squeezed shut eyes, holding onto the fork that had successfully plunged into her neck.

But in the moments where Liv weakly began to fall down to the ground, Kai's eyes faltered to the left, where Daisy's lifeless body sat near a far wall.

kai parker • villains of circumstance ✔️Where stories live. Discover now