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song: loveless by lo moon

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song: loveless by lo moon

THE STILLNESS OF THE AIR seemed to suck even the sound of Daisy's footfalls into the nothingness of the school hallway. No one really spoke to each other, as if they were tense with nerves for what has happened. She could describe it as creepy, but eerie was closer to it.

Daisy looked around cautiously, examining people's faces. They either looked like they'd been crying, or they were scared— of what they didn't know.

She passed by a mural that covered Carol's locker. Her school photo hung on a nice frame on the door, and flowers, letters and cheer pom poms huddled around it. Daisy inhales sharply, averting her eyes as she walked past it to her locker.

She opened it up with shaky hands, making it almost impossible to put her combination in. She reached in and grabbed her book for first period.

"Hey." Jen said softly, Daisy turned to her, unexpectedly.

Daisy was surprised she was even talking to her in the first place, let alone approaching her. "Hi." Daisy responds.

"How are you doing?" She asks. She didn't sound like she really wanted to talk, but felt like she was obligated to.

"I'm okay." Daisy shrugs it off.

"That's good." Jen nods a bit. "I know you and Carol used to be close when you were kids."

Daisy swallowed harshly. "Yeah." She let out.

Jen thinks for a second, glancing around awkwardly before speaking. "I guess you'll sit by us at lunch today?" Jen asks.

Daisy narrowed her eyebrows at her, not sure where she would've gotten the idea that she wouldn't sit with Kai— but she didn't question it, because she didn't want to sit with him. "Yeah." Daisy nodded awkwardly.

"Okay." Jen nods, smiling faintly. She lingered awkwardly a bit, almost like she was going to say something else, but she just turned and went to class.

Daisy shut her locker, unavoidably walking towards her first class of the day, completely unprepared to see Kai, let alone talk to him. She stared down at the ground as she entered the class, avoiding any and all eye contact with everyone before she sat down at her seat in the back.

She said her books down on the table, not daring to lift up her to face him. But her eyes drifted over to the floor at his seat, and she realized there was nobody sat there. The bell rang, and she looked up at his empty seat, letting out a sigh of relief, but also wondering why he wasn't there.

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