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song: need you tonight by INXS

"OH SHIT." Was the first thing that came to mind when Daisy awoke the next morning, Kai asleep in the bed next to her.

She was frozen, her eyes wide in a panic as she tried to put some logic behind last night's actions. Not sure if it really happened or if she was just dreaming, she glanced around the room, seeing both all their clothes flung around the room.

Her hand flew to her mouth to muffle any noise of surprise she was about to let out. Of course she knew it happened, but there was something about waking up the morning that was still so shocking.

She slowly turned her focus back to Kai, as began to move. She shut her eyes quickly, pretending to still be asleep. She heard a quiet snore escape his lips as he turned over to face the other direction, and when the bed was still, she opened one eye to make sure he wasn't awake.

With his back to her, she got a good look at the numerous deep scratches on his back and her eyes widened further. "Oh shit." She whispered.

Her heart was racing as she quickly thought of what to do next. Was it going to be awkward? Was she going to make it awkward? What was he going to think? What were they now?

Before she could risk any awkwardness, she felt herself slowly sliding out of the bed, trying to make as little movement and noise as possible in fear of waking him.

As her bare feet hit the cold floor, she tip toed across the room to gather her clothes one by one, slipping everything back on. When she was fully dressed, she turned to Kai who was still sleeping soundly in the bed.

Her hand still lingered on her mouth. Whether that was a reflex of shock, or just a way to muffle any words that might accidentally slip from her mouth. She had no idea what to do in these situations. Is he going to wake up and they have to congratulate each other on sleeping with each other multiple times in one night? Do they not say anything at all and carry on as normal? Is there a certain code of conduct that she didn't know about?

The awkwardness of it all wasn't even the problem, it was the fact that she did it. She wanted to bang her head against the nearest wall, but a part of her was a little surprised this hadn't happened earlier, so she cut herself some slack.

Kai shifted in his sleep again and she felt herself freeze, sucking in a deep breath and not letting it back out until she was positive he was still asleep. That's when she knew she had to go, the thought of him waking up and seeing her and talking to her after last night— she didn't want to even think about it.

Quickly spinning around to open the door, she twisted the doorknob as slowly and quietly as possible before slipping into the hallway, shutting it behind her.

"Oh shit. Oh shit. Oh shit. Oh shit. Oh shit." Daisy whispered as she frantically looked around the house like that would give her any clue on what to do. "Oh shit!" She let out, a bit louder than intended. She smacked her forehead with her palm.

As she heard shuffling coming from the room she thought she had left quietly, her first instinct was to of course, panic. Backing up quickly, she bumped into a side table, to which she knocked a lamp off, and it fell to the ground with a loud glass shattering burst.

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