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song: who's sorry now by connie francis

UNSURPRISINGLY, the feeling of being covered in uncomfortably warm blood was not a new feeling for Daisy. She let out a huff as she glanced down at Kai's now lifeless body. Of course it wasn't permanent, but it was definitely a satisfying feeling. She nudged him with his foot, to make sure he was really out, before plopping down on her couch behind her, music still loudly blasting from the stereo.

The silence, which she used to be so used to, was now overwhelmingly loud, as she's gotten a taste of what life used to be like before this. Whatever this was.

Five years ago, she would've been freaking out, desperately trying to find reasonable explanations and ways to get herself out of this situation— but she didn't have the energy anymore.

All the random explanations that'd she come up with over the past couple years weren't the case, and it didn't matter. She was still here— but now he was here too.

She didn't know what was going to happen from here on out, but she was just focused on trying not to freak herself out. She was fine here, she'd grown to like it. And there's no need to let all that fear that'd she felt before this world come back and haunt her the second he found her.

Daisy got to her feet, stepping over Kai's body and into the kitchen, grabbing the glass of wine she'd poured for herself previously before heading towards the door. She stumbles out of her apartment, letting out a little chuckle as she took a sip.

Kai, after only being 'dead', for a few moments awoke with a gasp. Immediately, he brought his hands down to his stomach where he was stabbed. He let out a groan as it still ached with an immense amount of pain.

He weakly looked around for her, the apartment was empty and he noticed the door standing wide open. He let out a frustrated scream, that turned into a hysterical laugh. He rolled onto his back, still clutching his stomach. Laughter turned back to anger as he recognized the irony of the situation he was in.

He struggled to get to his feet, breathing shakily as he tried to calm the anger that surfaced in his skin, burning all throughout his body. He didn't know what he expected when he saw her again, but this was not at all what he wanted.

Stumbling to the kitchen, he grabbed the same knife she had used on him, and made his way out the apartment and down the long corridor. He had his family's grimoire in his car. He had to siphon more magic from it, and then he could heal himself. Then he could find Daisy.

He clicked the elevator button, blood dripping from his wound as he clutched onto it. As it opened, he stumbled inside, letting out a groan as he fell onto the opposite wall for support to keep him standing up right.

He couldn't die here, but that didn't mean the wounds that triggered death magically disappeared. And these were by far more painful than wounds you would experience in the real world, as those would kill you before they got that bad.

The elevator made it's way downstairs, and as it opened to the lobby. Kai walked out, breathing in and out slowly to try and
contain the little composure he had left.

He looked around. "Daisy!" He yelled, it echoed throughout the empty lobby, which was decorated in white completely. White walls, white marble floor, white couches and tables. He glanced down at the blood that dripped from in between his hands and onto the floor. And let out a shaky breath.

kai parker • villains of circumstance ✔️Where stories live. Discover now