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song: heavenly by cigarettes after sex

THE INCANTATION MADE DAISY REFLEXIVELY TAKE A STEP BACK. That language she didn't understand had, in the past, only been used against her. Obviously, that wasn't the case right now as Josette and Kai were instead focused on each other as they repeated the phrases. Maybe it was all a case of classical conditioning. She was a Pavlov Dog and the magic was a bell, signaling to her that she was in danger.

Stray papers began to lift up and off their previous spots on the tables, and there was a familiar rumble underneath her feet to follow. She put a gentle hand on the sofa she stood behind, not trying to let it be known that she felt even the slightest bit unsafe. She glanced over to Alaric, who was too focused on Josette to notice Daisy's unease.

She followed his gaze, only redirected hers to Kai. His eyes were closed, chin hung low as he muttered the words along with his sister. Her hands were on either side of his face as she stood in front of him.

The wind picked up, however it wasn't really wind. It wasn't the uneven heating of the atmosphere, it was magic, and anyone who'd been at the other end of such a force could recognize that feeling immediately. To others, it really was just a breeze.

And then, it was over. Right when Daisy was anticipating something like the windows to start shattering one by one. The breeze fell, leaving the rustling papers to fall with it.

Her breath was staggered, as she eyed every person in the room, reading everyone's stature as if that would give her permission to relax. Kai's eyes slowly fluttered open, looking at his sister with a small growing smile.

"It's done." Josette says, although she wasn't happy about it.

Kai let's out a sigh of relief, and his posture straightened on its own for the first time today. He no longer looked like he was some slouched over old man, his natural skin pigment had fully returned- and it was almost like his eyes were a slightly brighter shade of blue. He was healthy again, the cure being the magic he'd taken from Josette. "Thank you." He smiles, and then tilts his head to the side, narrowing his eyes slightly. "And congratulations." He says, before leaning in and whispering something in her ear.

Daisy watched as Alaric hesitated to step in, not liking how close Kai got to Josette. She tried to listen in on whatever whispered exchange they were having- but he might as well not had been saying anything. Kai leans away, smiling proudly. "Have a good life, sissy."

Josette looked petrified, and Daisy couldn't even begin to imagine what Kai had told her. He turns around towards Daisy, giving her a nod as if to insinuate it was time to go. She stepped out from behind the couch, beginning to make her way after him as he walked towards the apartment door.

"Wait—" Josette says, stepping forward slightly.

They both turned around, and Kai let his hand remain on the doorknob. He looks at his sister, knowing that he didn't have to say anything to get her to keep her mouth shut. Josette glances at Daisy, then to Kai, with worried, wide eyes.

Josette was literally and physically powerless, now. If she were to blurt out what Daisy was right now out of nowhere- there was no telling what Kai would do to her. She knew Daisy. She knew Daisy wasn't an idiot and she knew that if Kai wasn't going to tell her— she'd find out herself. And when she asked, Josette would be there to tell her.

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