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song: cold as ice by foreigner

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song: cold as ice by foreigner

DAISY KNEW THAT IF SHE DIDN'T LEAVE SHE MIGHT EXPLODE. The sound of Tommy's pencil squeaking against his paper was enough to send her over the edge. She glanced at him as he continued to hastily write whatever essay he was definitely writing last minute.

She'd been at his house studying for the past two hours, and her brain was slowly decaying at the amount of flash cards she'd stared at in the short amount of time. Daisy lifted another flash card to her face, and as she thought about the answer, there was another loud squeak coming from Tommy's pencil— who didn't even seem to notice.

"Tommy!" Daisy shouted, breaking the silence between them. Tommy jumped, looking up to see Daisy's frustrated expression.

"What?" He asked, clueless. She had the strongest urge to just start screaming for no reason at the sight of his oblivious face.

"You're—" Daisy begins, but stopped herself. "Never mind." She clenched her jaw, gathering her papers and standing up from his bedroom floor. "I should probably go home."

Tommy glances at his paper and back to her quickly. "I'm almost done I promise— let me finish this and then I'll help you study." Tommy nods.

Daisy shakes her head, putting her flash cards in her backpack. "No, I really need to go home." She says. She really needed to get away from Tommy before she flipped her shit. Spending too much time with someone was a good way for Daisy to grow to hate them.

Tommy stood up from his desk, frowning and walking over to her. "But we haven't hung out all week." He says, gently grabbing her hands.

"I've been busy." Daisy shrugs.

Tommy cocks his head to the side and examines her face, before leaning in and kissing her. Daisy kissed back, but then got the feeling that this wasn't just a sweet kiss, he was trying to get her to stay.

Tommy brought his hands to her face, deepening the kiss, and almost knocking Daisy over. She opened her eyes, taking a quick glance at the clock before reclosing them and going back to kissing him.

She didn't have to be home yet. And she didn't mind this; she almost preferred this. Kissing him was better than having a conversation with him right now.

He stepped forward a little bit, and Daisy felt his bed on the back of her legs. She sat down on the soft comforter, Tommy not letting their lips separate for very long as he leaned down towards her.

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