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song: another love by tom odell

THREE WEEKS HAD PASSED SINCE THE TRIP TO BAR HARBOR. Three weeks worth of an overwhelming feeling of paranoia and fear. Three weeks of Daisy learning to defend herself, just in case some supernatural serial killer tried to attack her again. Something she never thought she'd have to learn.

Three weeks of Daisy letting her guard down around Kai again.

She awoke at seven in the morning like she usually did. When the sun peaked out over the street houses in Manhattan and shined right into the window onto her as she slept. Daisy sat up and yawned.

For a few seconds, she felt at peace, like she did every morning. They were the few seconds that she forgot where she was, who she was, and why she was here. But they quickly faded, with the remembrance that Kai Parker was downstairs sleeping on her couch.

The Kai Parker that stalked her, manipulated her into thinking he loved her, manipulated her into killing people, kidnapped her, and the reason she was locked in a prison world in the first place.

She placed her hand on her stomach, glancing down at the now scarred over stab wound on her stomach. The stab wound that should've killed her that night of the Valentine's Dance.

Rubbing her eyes, she got up from her bed and walked to the bathroom. She washed her face, brushed her teeth, and put on a fresh set of clothes. Anything to make her feel human.

She didn't want to go downstairs and see him. She wished she could just climb out the window and run off and be alone again. She'd grown so used to being alone these past years that the thought of complete isolation brought her comfort. Maybe if she was stuck here with someone else, it wouldn't. But she'd never know.

She didn't like that she wasn't constantly angry with Kai anymore. She didn't like that she didn't have the urge to kill him. She didn't like that he was sleeping downstairs. On her couch.

It meant that she was fine with him. And while fine is fine. It's not fine because it's Kai.

It meant was fine with him cooking her breakfast and dinner, and that she was fine with him teaching her how to fight witches. And that she was fine with him living with her and talking to her.

She didn't want things to be fine. He didn't deserve fine. But neither did she.

But ignoring the thoughts that had resurfaced in her brain every morning, she went downstairs. Usually, music would be playing from the kitchen, and the smell of breakfast would fill her nose. But it was quiet, and there was no sweet inhale of sizzling bacon.

She frowned a bit as she edged the bottom of the stairs and glanced into the living room. Kai wasn't still asleep. The couch was 'made', with neatly folded blankets sat on top his pillow. She glanced into the kitchen, and still he wasn't there.

Daisy lingered at the bottom of the steps for a second, as the feeling of worry started to pool in her stomach. Quickly she shook the thoughts of panic from her body. He's gone. You should be glad. She told herself, as she carried on.

She entered the kitchen, grabbing orange juice from the fridge and pouring herself a glass, trying to act content. She leaned against the counter and sipped it. The silence of the empty house was awkward in comparison to how loud it had been these past few weeks.

kai parker • villains of circumstance ✔️Where stories live. Discover now