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song: waltzing back by no vacation

TERROR, EXCITEMENT, DREAD, AND HOPE. Everything raced through her brain in rapid speed, leave her with no rational thoughts. Kai held the key out of here in his hand, and Daisy walked alongside the one person they'd been waiting for to make all this possible.

Her heart was pounding. She wanted to tell everyone to stop, to give her a few minutes to think. A few days maybe. She needed to process what was about to happen, what life she was leaving behind, and what life she was blindly throwing herself back into.

She began to wish that she hadn't been ignoring, or putting off that hope. Because now she was left with no time to be excited, only terrified.

Her thoughts were interrupted when Bonnie spoke up. She walked alongside Damon and Daisy, while Kai was a few feet up ahead, examining the Ascendant in hand. "So your Dad's a coven leader, and he sent you both here?" Bonnie asks, it was clear in her expression that she was a little confused on the stories they'd been feeding her. "What was the coven?" She asks.

Kai glanced behind him at Bonnie, before he turned back around and continued his way out the driveway, as everyone blindly followed him. "Gemini coven." Kai says, fidgeting with the shiny, fear filled object he held. "We were a pretty big deal in my day." He shrugs cockily. "Had this thing for twin sacrif—"

Bonnie cut him off. "No, I've heard of them." She says, her eyebrows narrowed as she contemplated Kai's words. Daisy watched her, trying to read her expression as she was deep in thought. "I think my Grams knew them... I remember her telling me a story about how they..." her sentence trails off, as her contemplation continues.

Damon let's out a little huff as they continued farther away from the house. "Where the hell are you taking us?" He asks, impatiently.

"I used the ascendant to figure out where we need to be standing when we harness the magic of the meteor shower." Kai responds.

Bonnie stops in her tracks. Everyone continues their walking for a few moments before they all stop, too. Damon turns to Bonnie as her eyes stay focused on the ground, her expression confused. "What now?" Damon sighs.

Bonnie looks up, right at Kai. "Malachai." She says, not in a questioning tone, but in a tone of realization. Daisy glanced to Kai and back to Bonnie, confused. "Malachai Parker." Her face churns into one of complete, and utter disgust.

"So," Kai let's out a slight, happy sigh. "You've heard of me. I'm flattered."

Daisy got a sinking feeling that this was not going to be good.

"I know what you did." Bonnie says, not yet lifting her hateful eyes off of him.

Damon looked lost, his eyes darting in between both Bonnie and Kai as he waited for one of them to continue. "Can we start speaking in full sentences?" Damon suggested. "Some of us are clearly a bit behind, here."

Daisy couldn't move. She knew exactly what Bonnie was talking about. The story that Daisy and Kai had both subconsciously decided to never discuss any further than they already had, hopefully sparing her the unnecessary detail of it all.

She was sure what he had done had become national news, especially amongst the witch community. They were idiots to think that Bonnie wouldn't have at least heard of him.

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