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song: good times by INXS

"WHERE ARE YOU?!" Daisy spoke into the telephone, sounding less than pleased.

"I got a little held up." Kai responded.

Daisy sighed as she leaned against the phone box, twirling the wire that connected the phone to the line around her finger. "I'm hungry." Daisy huffed.

"Why haven't you eaten?" Kai asked.

She narrowed her eyes, a bit annoyed at the stupid question. "I was waiting for you. I suck at cooking. You know that." She responded. "I literally almost burnt down New Orleans trying to make dinner at the Commander's Palace."

"You went to the Commander's Palace without me?" Kai questioned, sounding hurt.

"You were being crabby that day." Daisy rolled her eyes. She shook her head to try and shake the quick change in conversation. "Where even are you?" She asks.

She could hear the hesitation in his voice as he waited a few seconds to respond. "Columbus." He says.

"Columbus Ohio?!" Daisy's eyes widened.

"I told you I got held up!" Kai responded.

"An hour ago you said you were almost to New York?! How held up did you get?!" She flung her hands about as she spoke, almost dropping the cigarette she forgot was in between her fingers.

"You'll see when I get there." He answered.

She let out a little grunt. "That's comforting."

"Can I hang up now?" Kai asked.

"No." Daisy snapped at him. She straightened her posture and looked around for a bit, feeling her stomach ache for food for a second. She quickly changed her mind. "Yes. Hurry up!" She slammed the phone back into the hook.

Bringing the cigarette to her lips, she stepped out of the phone booth and wrapped her long leather coat around her, tilting her head up and looking up at the skyscrapers that surrounded her.

She admired the stars that shined brighter than she'd ever seen, especially in the city. Since there were no cars constantly running, pollution was down and the air was as clear as it always should've been. Daisy didn't take any more time to appreciate the empty city, as her stomach didn't agree with anymore waiting.

Spending no time selecting a good choice of dinner, she went into the nearest bar and took what was left of the half eaten plates of nachos and cheeseburgers. One of the few good things about repeating days.

Afterwards, she scouted out the tallest apartment building and took the elevator to the top floor. As the door opened to the penthouse the elevator took her to, her mouth gapped open at the views the windows revealed.

Overlooking central park, she could see the entire skyline everywhere she looked. The walls were lined floor to ceiling with big glass windows.

The one thing she didn't think she'd ever get tired of was how pretty the city was at night— but even that was slowly adding onto her large list of things that bore her.

kai parker • villains of circumstance ✔️Where stories live. Discover now