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hi making sure everyone's caught up because there were some issues with chapter fifty four?? some people never got the update some ppl did idk idk but just make sure u read that one before u start this bc u might be a bit confused hahaha <3


song: traveling at the speed of light by joywave

EZRA CAME TO HER THE FIRST DAY, only a couple hours after everyone cleared out of the church and went back to their homes like nothing happened. Marzia told them they could come visit the Sanctus whenever they needed. That she wasn't going anywhere.

She wasn't even human to them. She was a source of power.

"Please." Daisy breathed heavily, trying to reduce as much motion as she could to stop the deepening pain caused by the stakes in her palm. "Ezra— I know you don't want to do this— please you have to let me go." She spoke frantically.

Ezra stood on stage, a good distance from the cross. "You're right. I don't want to do this. I don't want it to be like this at all." He nodded reassuringly. "But I have to do this. This is how things work."

Daisy felt another wail sneak up from her lungs, but she stifled it down. Trails of blood from her forehead ran through her eyes, drying to her cheeks like The Weeping Woman. "Why?" She let out after a sniffle. "It hurts."

It was like her words were blood to a vampire. It hurts. He stared at her hungrily, stepping towards her as he spoke. "Without your sacrifice we wouldn't have our full strength."

"My sacrifice?" Daisy questioned. "You— you tricked me!" As he got closer, she realized how vulnerable of a position she was in physically — strung up like a puppet with absolutely no way to defend herself.

Ezra wasn't processing her words, as he walked closer, he could feel the pain radiating off of her body— a force only Algeans could feel. Daisy could see the hesitation in his eyes as he looked at her. He walked over to the cloth covered table that sat by the altar. He took off the white sheet and revealed a table covered with all sorts of different types of weaponry.

Her lips began to tremble as she shook her head quickly, "Ezra—" She let out frantically as he hesitantly examined the table. Scanning everything, deciding what knife he'd use to get this girl to bleed. His hands hovered over the selection and Daisy tried to calm her heavy breathing, knowing the more she moved, the more she would slip from the grip of the stakes in her palms, worsening the pain they caused. "Ezra please, don't do this— there's got to be another way—"

"There's not!" He yelled, making her jump at the sudden noise. He picked up the smallest knife on the table, turning towards her quickly.

Her eyes widened at the sight and she tried to squirm as far away as she could, which only made her cry harder at the pain movement caused. She trembled as Ezra grabbed her face with one hand, gripping onto her jaw.

She was too petrified to move, to say anything or plead any further. He brought the knife to her skin, cutting down her cheek. She let out a cry as she felt it dig deeper.

With shaky hands, Ezra dropped the knife and stepped back, fumbling for the chalice Andy had just previously drank from. Holding it under Daisy's bleeding face as she cried.

Ezra stepped back and she looked at him with tear filled eyes. "Cheers." He let out, before bringing the chalice to his lips.

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