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song: burn the witch by radiohead


"Is it her fault? I mean... if you gave her several reasons not to trust her, do you really expect her to believe you off the bat?" Tony asked.

"Yes." Kai said bluntly.

Kai thought for a few minutes. Kevin was right. It wasn't fair of Kai to be mad at Daisy. Even though things might've been a bit better between them, the trust wasn't there. It probably wouldn't ever be.

"You're a good listener, Kevin. I like you." Kai turned and pat Tony on the back.

"That's not my name." Tony mumbled quietly.

"Oh my god. I don't care." Kai widened his eyes and shook his head. He stood up from the couch where they both sat, walking over to the front door of the house.

"Wh—" Tony wiggled against the chains Kai still had him in. "What are you doing? Where are you going?" He asks.

Kai put on his jacket before swinging open the front door. "I'm going to get her." He nodded firmly.

Tony looked around the empty mansion before turning to Kai. "You're gonna let me go, right?" He scoffed, trying to not show the panic in his voice.

Kai shook his head no like there was no reason for him to let him go in the first place, before swinging open the front door and walking outside to his car. He heard a few yells from inside but just laughed to himself as he got in his car, and started the drive back to Winslow.

When you could drive without stopping at lights, no traffic, and no worry of getting pulled over for driving with the pedal fully on the floor— a five hour drive to Arizona was now a two hour drive.

When he approached Winslow, he laid low and tried to stay out of sight from any passerby's. He was here to grab Daisy and leave, no complications. He turned off the headlights of the car as he crept through the neighborhood, slowly and as quietly as possible.

Kai pulled up to the house she stayed out, looking around for anyone before turning the car off and walking up to the front porch, where he could see lights on through the closed blinds.

He knocked quietly and stepped back from the door. He quickly realized that he probably should've just walked in, knocked her out and took her— knowing her, that was inevitable, but that way there'd be less confrontation involved. He didn't want to use magic on her, he knew she didn't like it— but he had to get her out of here. If he left her here knowing who these people were, only to prove a point, he'd never forgive himself.

The door opened, and a boy, the boy who took Daisy to the church the first night she was in Winslow, stood in the front door. He looked at Kai confusedly.

At first, he felt himself want to laugh, but panic quickly begin to overflow his body. He looked around past Ezra, to see if Daisy was inside. But Ezra shut the door to block his view, looking at Kai confusedly.

Kai leaned forward, grabbing onto Ezra's collar and yanking him out of the doorway, pushing him forcefully up against the wall of the porch. "Where is she?" He said in a hushed tone, as he looked down at Ezra, who was a few inches shorter than him.

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