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song: time of the season by the zombies

"SO VAMPIRES AREN'T ALLOWED IN THE TOWN?" Daisy raises her eyebrows as she walks alongside Kai, arms crossed.

The dead leaves crunch under each of their footsteps, leafless trees hung above their heads as they approach the town line. "Apparently." Kai shrugs. "There's some massive spell in place around it."

"And if vampires cross it they..."

"Die." Kai says chirpily.

Daisy nods. "That doesn't seem like such a bad thing."

"That's because it isn't. It's a great thing." Kai says. "When we cross the boarder we can get this done quick and painless." He pauses. "Well, painless for us."

"And how do you know Olivia and Lucas are going to be so willing to help you?" Daisy asks. "Because last time you saw her, her boyfriend pushed you off a balcony."

"Oh- they won't be willing to do anything, that's where the threat of death comes in." Kai says.

"Ah." Daisy says, nodding along. As they continue their way through the woods, and towards the edge of Mystic Falls. Kai begins to speak again but Daisy stops in place, putting one arm out to stop Kai from walking any further- and one finger up to her lips to shush him.

He looks at her confusedly at first, before following her gaze to the small, old cemetery up ahead- where two people sat up against a tombstone next to each other. He narrows his eyebrows as he tries to get a better look. "Is that..." Daisy begins, quietly.

"You've got to be kidding me." Kai sighs, resuming in walking towards them.

Damon, and an unknown brunette girl sat next to each other right at the edge of town. "Until the next comet, or full moon, or eclipse." Damon says to the girl beside him, still unaware of the pair approaching. "As long as we have that we can go back as many times as we need until we get her back."

Kai stops, then leans up against a tree, Daisy beside him. "Wait- are you guys talking about Bonnie Bennett?" Kai says, both the girl and Damon snap their heads around towards the voice. "Because honestly, I didn't think she was all that great."

Before either of them could react, Kai had lazily flung his hand out, causing The Ascendant that Daisy hadn't even realized was in the girls hand, soaring out and across before eventually slamming against a tree- and shattering.

"No!" The girl shouts, scrambling towards the remnants of the broken object.

Daisy leans up, stepping forward and out towards her as Kai deals with Damon. Daisy watches with curious eyes as the girl frantically searches through the dead leaves and pine, looking for each piece of the broken ascendant.

Daisy brings up her leg, before slamming her boot down on the girls hand. She screamed in pain as Daisy added more pressure, leaning down towards her. "Elena, right?" Daisy asks, getting a better look at the girl.

She winced in pain, struggling to pull her hand out from under Daisy's boot. She was pretty, a small face and big brown eyes- she could see why Damon's only personality trait was talking about her. Elena's eyes falter, and Daisy quickly followed to where they landed.

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