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song: you can be so cruel by royal blood

"ARE WE MISSING A PIECE OR SOMETHING?" Daisy says frustratedly, scrambling through the pieces of the broken Ascendant displayed out in front of her on the table.

Kai sighs, scratching the back of his neck before he grabs a piece and holds it up to his eyes, examining it closely. "We grabbed everything, didn't we?"

Daisy leans back on the couch with a hopeless shrug. "I thought so." She says.

After returning to Damon's house, dragging Bonnie's passed out Body with them, the two have been struggling to put The Ascendant back together all night.

Daisy shifts her gaze over to Bonnie, feeling her blood rise to a boiling point at the sight of her. She was still passed out, laying on the couch opposite Daisy.

"We should be home right now." Daisy says.

Kai continues to fidget with the broken pieces. "It's alright. Just a little detour." He says. "One more day here won't hurt, right?"

"Might hurt her." Daisy threatens, not lifting her angry eyes from Bonnie's still body.

Kai scoffs, and as he began to respond- he stopped himself as the sight of Bonnie beginning to move in her seat caught him off guard.

They both froze, waiting as Bonnie opened her eyes and came to. Daisy wanted to spring to her feet and knock her back out— but she also knew that would be very counterintuitive.

"Good, you're awake." Kai says. "How are you feeling?"

"Like you shot me with an arrow." Bonnie says angrily, holding her bleeding stomach.

"Right." Kai says, not caring. "I have no idea how you managed to shatter The Ascendant into a million pieces- but you need to help us put it back together before the shower tonight."

"I don't wanna help." Bonnie says. "You're both psychopaths. This place is your prison. I'm not letting you out."

"Okay, that's a bit dramatic." Daisy says, crossing her arms.

Bonnie shoots her a glare. "I should've known you were always on his side." She scoffs, shaking his head.

"Yeah, you should've." Daisy shrugged innocently. "It's kind of embarrassing- really. How quick you were to trust me." Daisy turns to Kai and talks to him now. "Maybe I should be nice more often, because you really can just get whatever you want."

Bonnie raises her eyebrows. "Yeah? And how'd that work out for you? Because unless I'm seeing things— being 'nice' got you right back where you started." She says confidently.

Daisy stood from the couch, keeping Bonnie's heated eye contact, but Kai stepped in between them before the conversation could go any further. "Look," he began. "You've been through a trauma. Your memory is probably a little fuzzy- thinking your magic will protect you. But all I have to do," Kai quickly latches onto Bonnie's arm, siphoning her. "-is hold your hand, and your magic suddenly becomes mine."

Bonnie groans in pain, trying to keep herself upright as her knees begin to buckle in on themselves.

"Huh? What's that?" Kai says, leaning closer to Bonnie as she winces. "You're gonna do the spell that'll finally get us all home?"

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