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song: crystallized by the xx

"HE TOLD ME HE DIDN'T HAVE IT." Damon says, eyebrows narrowed as he spoke with annoyance.

"He has it." Daisy says. She was not nearly as shocked that Kai lied as Damon was. "I watched him take it from Josette two days ago."

Damon rubbed his temples frustratedly. "And you're just offering to get The Ascendant for me, why? Out of the kindness of your heart?" He pries.

Daisy leaned back on the red velvet couch in Damon's living room with a scoff. "Oh no, I wouldn't do that." She says. "I'm gonna need something in return."

He raises his eyebrows, awaiting further intel.

She was hesitant to speak, as if saying it aloud completed the transition then and there. "Your blood."

Damon cocked his head to the side confusedly. "Do I want to ask you to elaborate?"

She takes a breath. "I'd rather you didn't." She sets her now empty glass of whiskey on the coffee table in front of her, before standing back up. She looks at Damon with raised eyebrows. "We got a deal?"

Damon eyes her suspiciously. "I'm not sure."

Daisy clenches her jaw, and chooses to elaborate on her own. "I only need a little. Just enough to—"

"—to turn you?" Damon interrupts, raising his eyebrows. Daisy was taken aback. "Yeah, yeah. Alaric told me already. Bummer." He adds sarcastically. "I'd almost feel bad for you too if you weren't such a pain in my—"

"Do we have a deal or not?" Daisy interrupts him this time, growing quickly annoyed.

He takes a breath, mulling over his options. "How quickly can you get me that Ascendant?" Damon asks, with narrowed eyes.

Daisy glances over to the old wooden clock that stood in the corner of the room. "Give me until the end of the day." She says, her mind flashing with images of what might come in the next hours.

Damon makes a face insinuating that that was a good deal. "Fine." He sighs annoyedly. "But don't make me regret this." He holds out his hand for her to shake.

Daisy eyes it. "I won't." And she spoke the truth.

She had no interest in hurting anyone else but Kai right now.

So she shook his hand.

Daisy now knew that if she were to spend any time hesitating, she would have to do it a good distance away. She sat in the car, it was turned off, and the late winter air was slowly creeping inside. Her eyes stayed glued on the hotel that her and Kai had checked into only a few days ago.

How quickly things turned south was unsettling, the hatred she felt in her heart now was almost as powerful as the love she previously held.

She placed her hand on her heart, it still beat, though it didn't feel like it was hers. She felt as if every breath, every thought and every movement she made were for him, were because of him.

kai parker • villains of circumstance ✔️Where stories live. Discover now