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song: cry little sister by gerard mcmann

THE LIGHT WAS GONE but there was no mistaking where they were. Through the moonless night came the rhythmic pounding of the waves and the salty air moving gently over their skin, flicking the tiniest grains of sand into their semi-closed eyes.

"Here." Kai spoke softly, as he handed Daisy the warm cup of tea he'd just prepared.

She felt the warmth against her palms as she accepted it, holding it close to her chest as she let the ocean breeze cool it off itself. "Thank you." Daisy said happily as she let out a yawn, Kai sat down on the soft couch next to her.

After a long cold night the morning brought glimmers of warmth. The golden light softly caressed the sea and ignited the birds into a chorus of melodies. The sunrise illuminated the blue as if it were igniting the most perfect flame.

Daisy sat with Kai for as long as she could. The sound of the waves. The smell of the lavender tea Kai made her every time. The chill ocean breeze reminding her to appreciate the brief warmth of the early morning sun. She wanted it to last.

But it never did.

Coming back with a gasp so hard she could almost feel her stomach and backbone meet, she was quickly thrown back into reality once again.

There was no time to readjust, the pain struck her as soon as her heart began to beat again. She coughed up the blood that lingered in her mouth, slowly raising her heavy head to see all the people awaiting their turn to kill.

Two months, powerless. Each day was hopeless, each day was vulnerable, each day was terrifying. For both Kai and Daisy respectively.

Daisy had become so used to the pain inflicted that it barely fazed her anymore. She experienced the feeling of death so many times a day, that she knew if it ever really arrived, it would be such a sweet relief.

She craved the feeling of a soft bed. A big meal. A breeze. A warm hug. And when she was dead, there were short moments where she got to experience those feelings again. Death was the only thing keeping her alive.

Kai had spent everyday in the same room, fighting his way out. The farthest he'd made it was a few feet down the hall, but he was inevitably grabbed and dragged back. He had no strength left, with the lack of magic, lack of food, and the overwhelming feeling of anxiety and anger— he was exhausted.

Sat in the farthest corner from the door, on the concrete slab he'd painstakingly used as a bed, Kai tried to siphon something. Anything. That's the only thing he could do with his never ending time. He could feel the magic radiating off of the walls of the dark room, he could feel it in the air— but there had to have been a spell in place that stopped him from absorbing any of it.

Kai's eyes sprang to the door as it swung open, bright light filling the room as he squinted his eyes to try and adjust to the change. "Should we inject him?" A man's voice asks.

Kai tried to see who was there, but it hurt to open his eyes. "No, he's weak enough already. And we need him to talk." Marzia's immediately recognizable voice spoke. "Just grab him and meet me down the hall."

Kai opened his mouth to speak but before he could get anything out, two strong arms had yanked him up and onto his feet. The sudden motion made his head throb with pain as they drug him out of the room.

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