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song: cry by cigarettes after sex

DAISY MUST'VE FORGOTTEN PROPER PUBLIC ETIQUETTE. Functioning in a world that she shared with other people again was hard to get used to. You can't really talk to yourself without getting weird looks, and you certainly can't walk out of a store without paying.

Mostly it was weird the way people spoke to her. Like she was just another girl that came into a store. They asked her how she was, and if she found everything okay. They didn't ask if she was gonna go crazy and kill someone, and better yet, they didn't ask if her boyfriend was gonna go crazy and kill someone. It was refreshing, and almost entertaining to see the oblivion the rest of the world lived in.

She happily walked down the long narrow hallway, the assortment of shopping bags hooked on her arms as she checked each door for the right number.

She set one set of bags down as she approached the hotel room's door, not bothering to knock. She pushed open the door, knowing that Kai most likely did not lock the door behind her like she asked.

"I don't think I've seen this many 'skinny jeans' in my life." Daisy huffs, lugging in her belongings as the heavy door shut behind her. As she settles in, she glances around the room- Kai nowhere to be seen. "Kai?" She spoke, taking off her long black coat and setting it on the unmade bed.

A door opens and she turns around to see Kai walking out of the bathroom, a half empty glass of whiskey and a cigarette in the same hand. He looked surprised to see her. "You're back." He says.

Daisy narrows her eyebrows slightly before glancing down at the shiny watch on her wrist. "Uh- yeah." She says, looking back up. "I've been gone for like three hours." She ends the sentence with a short laugh, but that didn't hide the suspicion in her voice.

"Right." Kai nods a bit, looking past her to the shopping bags that piled up by the door. Daisy follows his gaze, but quickly turns back to face him.

She could sense the unease in his voice, and the way he could barely meet her eyes. She glanced down at the glass, that was being held by his shaky hand. "Kai?" She spoke softly.

Kai looks back up to meet her gaze, it was clear something was off as he took another drink as a way to try and continue to avoid her eye contact. "Have you eaten?" He says, changing the subject, his voice coarse.

Daisy didn't move from her spot, and didn't lift her gaze off him either- not until she figured out what was wrong. "Not yet." She says, reflexively responding, but her mind was elsewhere.

He walks past her, towards the bedside table she stood by. He picked up the phone. "I'll order—"

She turned to face him, studying his face. His eyes were puffy and glossed over, and there was a hint of red that lingered in his cheeks. After a moment of contemplating, she spoke. "Were you crying?" She asks, concerned, but the way it came out sounded much more accusatory than intended.

Kai glanced up at her quickly, wiping his nose and shaking his head before returning to the phone. He let the cigarette dangle in between his lips as he spoke. "Allergies, I think." He says. He sets down his glass and puts the phone to his ear, beginning to dial the number for room service.

Daisy gently grabbed the phone from him and hung it up. "Tell me what's wrong." She says, eyes darting in between his quickly as she tried to gather what was going on.

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