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song: double dark by wildhood

EVERY SINGLE ONE OF HER SENSES WERE GONE. Everything was quiet, she couldn't feel her surroundings, let alone adjust her eyes to them. There was a slight quick thumping beneath her, one that felt similar to a beating heart- but she knew it wasn't.

Cold tile floor against her skin, her eyes moved before her everything else did. A closed door in front of her, her body curled up into itself to fit within the small confines of the four brightly colored walls around her.

Music, that's what she was hearing. Fast music that she could feel vibrate throughout her bones. And it wasn't loud until she lifted up her head, and then it was too loud.

She shut her eyes, a headache so strong had shot it's way up from the back of her head to the very front, stinging at the corners of her eyes. She pinched the bridge of her nose, letting out a soft groan.

It'd only taken her about ten seconds to awake, remember what had happened, and then begin to panic.

Her legs began to shake, and despite their weakness she got to her feet, using the walls beside her as support. Her head was on a swivel, trying so desperately to adjust to what was happening to her body.

She was in a bathroom, that was obvious from the toilet she had just woken up beside. Her hand flew forward to the door handle, which was already unlocked.

She fell forward out of the stall, glancing around quickly at the crowds of girls that were in here with her. Only a few gave her the time of day, but only to observe and murmur amongst their friends.

She must've looked like she'd passed out in the bathroom, which was why the lack of concern seemed minimal. She was still gripping onto the sides of the doorway, though she wasn't quite sure she could feel it on her fingertips, she only saw herself in the reflection of the mirror.

She rushed forward, pushing girls out of the way and earning a few shouts of protest in the process. She gripped the sink, looking at herself, trying to focus despite the music that felt like it just kept getting louder, and louder.

Her mascara was smudged beneath her eyes, and she knew the red tint to her lips had nothing to do with lipstick. She whipped her head to the right, reaching for the paper towel dispensers, frantically tearing off a piece and wiping her mouth with it.

"Is she okay?" She heard a girl whisper.

Daisy whipped her head in the other direction, staring at a girl who was several feet away in line for an open stall. She was too far away to hear her if she yelled, let alone whispered.

"Molly, probably." Another girl whispered back to her.

They sounded like they were right next to her, whispering into her ears.

"Like- look at her eyes." The same girl said.

Daisy turned back to the mirror, her eyes, which were usually a mix of blue-green, were about as dark as her hair. She squeezed them shut, then reopened them. Her pupils dilated bigger and smaller, trying to adjust, and failing.

"I need to wash my hands." A girl says from behind her.

Daisy doesn't respond, just turns around and pushes past her. She kept licking her lips, savoring the lingering taste as much as she could, clinging onto her frail body as if that would keep her upright.

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