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song: rebel yell by billy idol

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song: rebel yell by billy idol

"HAVE YOU GUYS TALKED SINCE THEN?" Jen asks, glancing to Daisy who sat in the passenger seat of her car.

Daisy inhaled a deep breath. "Well obviously I was mad at him on the car ride home. And I told him that I needed space." She says.

"Good." Jen says. "That was insane."

Daisy flails her arms out frustratedly. "I know!" She scoffs. "I don't know what got into him. And to tell Kai to 'not even look at me'? I think I can make that decision myself. Who does he think he is?"

"Does he have—" Josette speaks up from the back seat. "Anger issues?"

Daisy scoffs again. "I wouldn't be surprised."

"Maybe it's just male hormones." Jen shrugs, driving down the road. "Maybe punching each other gets them off."

Josette and Daisy laugh at Jen's comment. Then Daisy glances in the car mirror at Josette. "Is Kai... Okay?" She asks.

"Yeah, he's fine." She responds. "He has a broken nose, though."

Jen squirms at the thought. "Yikes." She says. Daisy slumps back into her car seat and sighs. "Hey—" Jen says, raising her eyebrows. "No boy talk remember." She shakes her head.

"Right." Daisy nods confidently.

"This is girls weekend." Jen reminds them.

As it was fall break, Jen's parents allowed her to take a few friends down to their lake house for the weekend. It was only an hour away, and the amount of begging Daisy had to do to have her mom let her go was insufferable. But Jen's parents insured Susan that the house was in a nice neighborhood, with high security.

Daisy figured her mother was still shaken up about the whole Jenna situation, and Daisy couldn't lie— she was too. She tried not to think about it too much.

When at last the girls arrived, the lake house was a blur behind the heavy pine trees. It was large, certainly, almost intimidatingly so. On climbing out of Jen's car it took a more detailed form, natural grey stone with all the hues mother nature can provide.

Inside was warm, and rustic, like a cute hunting cabin. Almost everything was wood, and even the stair railing had been carved into animals.

The girls shut the front door behind them, plopping their backpacks and pillows down in the front entry. "Holy shit." Josette says in amazement as she looked around.

Jen smiles. "And we get it all to ourselves for the weekend."

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