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song: les by childish gambino

"HAVE YOU BEEN AWAKE THIS WHOLE TIME?" Daisy says, her voice groggy. She leaned up from the passenger seat, turning to face Kai who sat behind the steering wheel.

Kai nodded, continuing to look out the front window.

Daisy moved her hair out of her face, stretching out her sore body from the uncomfortable sleeping position she'd been in. It was dark now, and she wondered how long she'd been out.

Letting out a yawn, she looked out the windows and got a good look at her surroundings. The stolen car they sat in was parked on the street, in the middle of a somewhat familiar neighborhood.

Although Daisy couldn't see much due to the lack of street lamps, she recognized the houses surrounding them. Mostly the dark brick one right across from them, with the blue Camaro parked outside.

Daisy looked at Kai confusedly. "What're we doing here?" She asks.

Kai's eyebrows raised slightly as something must've caught his attention. He began to open the car door. "Christmas shopping." He responds.

Daisy, more confused than before, quickly followed his actions, following him out the car and towards the house. She glanced around quickly for onlookers, as they were not laying very low at all walking right up the front door. "Kai—" Daisy began, but stopped when he quickly turned around to face her.

He placed a hand on her shoulder and put a finger to his lips. Daisy widened her eyes angrily, before smacking his hand off of her. "Hello?" She says annoyedly, like he'd completely forgotten to fill her in on whatever he was planning.

"Cloaking spell." He whispered back in response, keeping the finger to his lips.

"Ohhh." Daisy let out, finally catching on. At first she began to question where he'd gotten the magic to do that— but she then remembered he'd siphoned up the entirety of that anti-magic border, that surrounded Mystic Falls.

The sound of heels clicking against concrete caught the both of their attention's. They turn to see Elena walking up to the front door of the Salvatore house.

Kai quickly began to make his way towards her. Daisy stayed back, understanding that if she wasn't filled in on the plan in the first place- she must not play a vital part in the execution. She crossed her arms, letting out a huff as she watched Kai pick up a lead pipe that sat by their garage.

Kai gently tapped Elena's shoulder before hiding behind a pillar. She turned around, confused to see no one there. She must not have looked really hard, or cared to, as she turned back around to knock on the front door.

As Elena was focused on the door, Kai came out from behind the pillar and stood behind her. He glanced at Daisy— who went fully unnoticed although she stood right in the middle of the lawn. Kai shrugged at her, before turning back around to focus on Elena as Damon opened the front door.

Daisy rubbed her temples. "Jesus." She says, mid-yawn. She couldn't hear much of the conversation happening, and she didn't really try to. She could tell this was one of Kai's more over the top productions- as he had the chance to hit the girl with the lead pipe several times before this.

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