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song: super freak by rick james

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song: super freak by rick james

DAISY KNEW IT WAS COMING. The loud pounding on the locked door of her Manhattan penthouse. She noted that he at least knocked. He must have not been here very long to realize that in the afterlife, you can kind of just do whatever the hell you want. Which was definitely not comforting, now that she was no longer alone here.

She frantically glanced around the penthouse, where she'd been living for the past couple weeks, looking for something she could defend herself with if need be.

"Daisy, I can hear the music." Kai yells, over the loud music Daisy had playing over the speakers in her living room.

She chuckles to herself as she picked up the kitchen knife from one of the drawers, dancing over to the door. "Whooo is ittt?" She says, in a sing-song voice.

"It's Kaiii." Kai says in a sing-song voice, mocking her.

The three shots of vodka she'd downed as soon as she got here were definitely not working in her favor. She inhaled sharply before swinging the door open, knife in hand.

Kai glances at the knife, then back up to her. He doesn't say anything for a second, just tries to read what she was thinking through her expression. She had a bright, proud smile on her face as she held the kitchen knife out in front of her, definitely not in a threatening way— almost like she was joking. "Can I come in?" He raises an eyebrow.

Daisy thinks for a second, making over dramatic facial expressions as she did. "Sure." She says with a quick shrug, opening the door wider.

Kai was extremely confused. This was definitely not the Daisy he remembered, but it's also been almost five years. He walks inside hesitantly, but he felt a side of himself enjoying this weird interaction.

The penthouse was huge, with massive windows that lined every wall and had a perfect view of New York at night. Contrasting the beauty of the expensive home, was the mess Daisy has assumedly made. There was broken glass, old food, empty wine bottles and clothes scattered across the floor.

He eyes her cautiously as he he steps inside. She shut the door behind him and walks over to the kitchen. "I would've cleaned a bit, but I honestly wasn't expecting company." She says sarcastically. "You want something to drink?" With the knife still in hand, she grabs a half full bottle of wine, and two glasses.

Kai was quiet, desperately wanting to understand where her head was at, but not sure what questions to ask. He smirked a bit. "It's been a while." Kai says, sitting down at the counter as she poured him a drink.

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