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song: me and my husband by mitski

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song: me and my husband by mitski

DAISY LAID ON HER SIDE AS KAI GENTLY PLAYED WITH HER HAIR. Her back was up against his chest, and he held her close to him as they lay on the thin blanket that separated them from the concrete.

Of course it wasn't ideal, but Daisy wasn't looking for something romantic. Just something to get inside Kai's head. It was easier than she thought, but she had to remember that under all the crazy, Kai was still a teenage boy. He liked sex. Daisy did too. But what they gained from it afterwards were different for the both of them.

Daisy thought about her next move as they lay in silence, her eyes glued on the floor as she felt Kai's breathing on her back. "I think the Valentine's day formal is tonight." Kai says.

She didn't even know it was Valentine's day. Daisy glances up and behind her at Kai, then she turns back to face the other way. "Oh, I didn't know." She shrugged a bit.

Kai thought for a second. Things seemed back to normal with Daisy. And that's what he wanted. He didn't want to keep her here for very long, but it happened too fast, and something didn't feel right.

"Are you going?" Daisy asked.

"Not by myself." He said.

Daisy turned and looked at him, narrowing her eyebrows. "With who, then?" She asked, in a disgusted tone.

Kai chuckled, and tilted his head to the side. "Are you jealous?" He asks sarcastically. Daisy frowned. Kai quickly leaned in and left a peck on her lips. She wasn't at all prepared to kiss him again, and an anxious pit grew in her stomach at his touch.

"No." She said, hiding her disgust with fake annoyance.

"I'm going with you." Kai says, in a reassuring tone.

Daisy felt her heart skip a beat, there was no way she weaseled her way out of this situation this fast. She looked up at him, trying to hide her overjoyed feeling as she felt him trying to deeply read her expression. She inhaled deeply. "Tonight?"

Kai shrugged and nodded a bit, as he started to get up. Daisy shifted with him and sat up, leaning against the wall behind her. "If you want to." He says.

She tried not to sound to eager to be let free. "Sure." She shrugged it off a bit, but Kai still had a lingering suspicious expression in his face.

"Then come on." He responded. "It starts in a few hours."

Daisy hid her relief, questioning how she had come to this freedom so quickly. She stood up, her body felt weak. She walked over to him, trying to act as normal and relaxed as possible.

"Just know if you try and tell anyone about this, I will kill someone you love." He said, looking at Daisy with raised eyebrows, but also pleading eyes. His words came too easy to him, and it was terrifying to hear.

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