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song: let it happen by tame impala

THE HOUSE WASN'T WHAT SHE HAD GROWN USED TO. It was just a house, nothing special. Definitely not something she would choose when she had the luxury to just pick whatever she wanted, but it was convenient for now.

She looked around, it felt weird being alone again. After only thirty minutes of being around people, her human brain had gotten used to it. And being alone was hard again. It was the first time she felt weird being in someone else's house since she had first arrived here. And she hadn't stopped looking out the window at all the people going on walks, or stopping to chat with their neighbors.

A knock came from the door, and she stood up from her couch, walking to it and opening it up to Ezra, who stood on the porch. She just looked at him, not sure what to say.

"Are you gonna pay for the damage on my car?" He asks.

She narrowed her eyebrows at him. "Pay?! Money?! I don't have money!" She says defensively.

He gives her a face. "I'm kidding." He says.

She felt stupid for a second, and then felt stupider when she realized she had a towel still wrapped around her wet hair from her shower. She quickly took it off and frantically fixed her hair. She didn't know why she felt so embarrassed, but she did.

Everything was so new again.

"Marzia wanted me to bring some stuff over for you." He says, welcoming himself in. Daisy stood back and out of his way as he brought the cardboard box in, shutting the door behind him. "Just some snacks and—"

"Do you have a pager?" Daisy asks, a little more abrupt than she intended.

He glanced at her and let out a little laugh. "Got someone you need to call?" He asks.

She swallowed and shook her head. "No— I—" She laughed slightly. "Sorry I just— my mom always told me to have a pager on me. And now that I'm surrounded by a bunch of people again it's just... instinct." She shrugged, impressed at how fast she came up with that lie.

He nodded and reached into the box, pulling out a pager. "I put my digits in there for you already, and Marzia's." He smiled, before turning back to go through the box. She watched him hesitantly as she accepted the pager from him.

"So you've been here fifteen years, huh?" He asks, brushing his curly hair out of his face with his fingers.

Daisy felt her breath hitch at the sight, and then she felt her breath hitch at the thought of her breath hitching at a guy doing literally nothing but moving his hair out of the way. She clenched her jaw and fumbled with the pager in her hand awkwardly. "Yeah, it's been... you know, super enjoyable." She says sarcastically.

Ezra let out a laugh as he emptied the last of the box. Just some food, a map of the town, and a few phone numbers to have. He then turned and leaned back on the wall, crossing his arms as he looked at her. "So what'd you do? How'd you end up here?" He asks, sarcastically eyeing her. "Going off the fact that you tried to kill me with a rock not even an hour ago, I'd say something along the lines of... murder?"

"You could say that." She says, coming off a little more jokingly than she intended. She leaned up against the opposite wall with her arms crossed.

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