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song: london dungeon by misfits

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song: london dungeon by misfits

"ARE YOU GOING TO TELL ME WHERE WE'RE GOING NOW?" Daisy asks, following quickly behind Kai as he walks down the streets of downtown Portland.

"You're the most impatient person I think I've ever met." He spoke without turning around.

Daisy annoyedly shoves her hands in her jacket pocket, watching clouds escape her mouth as she breathed against the cold air. The two had been walking for a while since they parked, and she didn't have any clue where Kai was headed.

The city was simply urban, tall buildings in an exact grid pattern. Ubiquitous skyscrapers were smudged by the night sky. Cars raced between red traffic lights, stubbornly flickering in the dark.

Daisy very rarely came downtown, it was far away from Wayward and there really wasn't much she could do here at her age. It was strange being with Kai and feeling like he was the one knowing where he was going. Just by the way he walked, he looked more comfortable here than at school.

"Come on." Kai says, opening a door to a laundromat and walking inside.

Daisy lingered outside for a second as she watched Kai stride inside the building like he'd done it a thousand times. "Are you being serious?" Daisy says, catching the door behind him and walking inside, immediately turning her nose up at the smell of mothballs and cigarettes. It was empty, except for a huge dark skinned man that stood leaned against a counter at the other side of the room beside a door.

"Kai Parker? Again?" The man shook his head, leaning off the counter and smiling at the sight of Kai.

Daisy narrowed her eyes at the man, and back to Kai. Kai jogged over to the man, and they exchanged a quick 'bro-hug'. "I still haven't fully recovered from last weekend." Kai said.

"I don't doubt it, I don't doubt it." The man laughed happily. He was dressed head to toe in colorful, unique clothes that no one in Wayward would ever be seen wearing. "Who's this?" He nods towards Daisy.

Daisy almost forgot she was there watching this happen instead of watching it on a tv screen. It was strangely out of character for Kai to be talking to someone outside of her and his sister, let alone being charismatic about it.

"Oh," Kai says, turning to Daisy and gesturing her forward. "This is Daisy. She's my sister's friend—"

The man cut Kai off, striding towards Daisy and giving her the same 'bro-hug' that he just gave Kai. Daisy didn't really know how to do it, so she just kind of stood there. "Hi." She spoke awkwardly, still completely lost at what the hell was going on.

"This is Mike." Kai says, giving Daisy a proud smile.

"You going in?" Mike says, turning back to Kai. Kai nods, and Mike turns back to Daisy. "Can I see your ID?"

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