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song: so beautiful by dpr ian

THE TWO EXIT THE BUILDING TOGETHER. Daisy walked a few feet behind Kai as he happily admired around the streets of New York like a tourist.

She examined him and his stature. He felt so different than when she last saw him. Of course, it'd been five years, but he felt like a completely different person. He looked the same, it was the way he acted that was odd. He used to be so stern and articulate, now he felt much more confident and sarcastic. She'd be lying to herself if she said she didn't prefer this new side of him, but both were equally as unbearable.

"Let's go to The Empire State Building." Kai says, glancing behind him once again to make sure she was still there.

"No." Daisy says immediately after, somehow becoming more annoyed than she already was.

"You're no fun." He says, looking up with a squint at the tall buildings that towered over them. "We could go to Central Park."

Daisy rolls her eyes as she kept following him down the sidewalk.
He continued blabbering on about New York but she tuned him out. They walked for about another ten minutes before they entered Manhattan, the skyscrapers slowly turning into trees and street houses. The sun had almost fully risen by the time they got there.

Kai came to a stop and turned towards the white street house with the black door and black shutters. "Let's crash here." He suggests.

"You can." Daisy corrects. "I'll be next door." She began to walk towards the brick street house that sat beside the white one. She walked up the steps to the front door, but stopped when she heard footsteps behind her. She turned around, to see Kai following her into the house she had just claimed. "What are you doing?" She shook her head.

"Let's be roomies." He shrugs with a proud smile.

"Is this a game to you?" She harshly narrowed her eyes at him. "I agreed to talk and see if we can figure out a way out. That's it. I have no interest in being your 'roomie'."

He looked as if everything she just said went in one ear and out the other. She widened her eyes in frustration before turning back to the front door and twisting the handle, which was obviously locked. She heard a scoff from behind her and all she wanted to do was turn around and kick him down the stairs. She took a quick breath, trying to regain a bit of patience before bending down and grabbing a rock from the planter on the porch.

She adjusted her grip on it, before slamming it down on the doorknob. Repeatedly.

"Do you need help?" Kai asked from behind her.

"No." Daisy retorts, grunting as she continued to slam the rock onto the doorknob to break it off. She'd used a few different tactics to break into houses over the years, but this one seemed to work the best.

Kai watched the painstaking process for a few seconds before finally pushing her out of the way and flicking his hand in front of the door, unlocking it with a satisfying click. He glanced at her with a smug expression before swinging the door open.

Daisy lingered on the front steps for a few seconds, dumbfounded and annoyed, before dropping the rock and stepping inside behind him.

kai parker • villains of circumstance ✔️Where stories live. Discover now