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song: too shy by kajagoogoo

SIX YEARS DIDN'T EVEN FEEL LIKE THAT LONG. Frankly, any passage of time felt completely nonexistent. When there was nothing to wait for, nothing to look forward to, and nothing to experience. They really were just nonexistent.

The two prison-world-attendees had lived within walking distance of each other for a couple of years, before they eventually both came to the conclusion that each other's company was driving them both inevitably insane. It only took a couple mutual killings for them to come to the conclusion.

However, while being with each other every second of everyday in an eternal repeating time loop would drive them both mad, they also knew that isolation would give them the same outcome.

They'd both decided on a happy medium. They'd meet up on every holiday. Celebrating together like it was the real world, to give them both something to look forward to.

It was Daisy's tenth year in the prison world, and it was worryingly becoming more and more normal. So much so, she could barely remember how one functioned in the real world.

In the first few months of Daisy and Kai's break from each other, she got up every morning, got dressed, did her hair, her makeup, made herself breakfast, went on runs, went grocery shopping, went sight seeing. It was a life she had dreamed of when she was younger, a life of complete freedom.

But it was miserable.

She'd go so many months without speaking to anyone, that she had to insert narrating her life into her daily routine so it didn't hurt as much when she actually needed to speak.

She'd see things. She'd see her family, or her friends, or Tommy. Or Carol. Or Kai. Sometimes the company was nice. Other times, they were only there to taunt her and drive her crazy. It worked, every time. Maybe that was why they kept coming back.

There was one day she'd forgotten her last name, and she had to call Kai to see if he remembered. Hendrix.

It was comforting to know that he was going through the same things. That same phone call, he told her he didn't remember who any of his siblings were. She could only remember Josette, the rest, however, were a blur.

Daisy wondered if it was the isolation driving her to madness, or if that's just how she was going to turn out— prison world or not. Either way, she didn't care anymore.

She stopped caring a while ago, when she accepted the fact that they were both stuck here forever.

Consequences don't work here, and it was definitely a difficult thing to wrap her mind around.

Daisy woke with a raging headache. She knew the cause, she knew how much it hurt in the morning, but she couldn't stop. She turns over, the sudden movement sending another wave of pain through her brain. It's that day of drowning, here again, the cold wash only she could feel. She didn't want to get up. She didn't want to move at all.

Three empty bottles of different alcohols sat on the table beside her bed, and she lifted each one individually to see if there was anything left for this morning.

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