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song: every breath you take by the police

"I NEVER THANKED YOU." Daisy spoke, before taking a bite of food from the take out box in front of her.

Sat across from her on the floor of the hospital waiting room, was Kai, who swallowed his food quickly so he could respond. "For what?" He asked.

Daisy poked at her food with her chopsticks before opening her mouth to speak, she then looked up at him with narrowed eyes. "You know."

He nodded. "I know I just want to hear you say it."

Daisy groaned annoyedly. "Thank you for saving me." She says, rolling her eyes a bit as it took a lot out of her to say the words.

Kai smiled cheekily. "You are so welcome, Daisy." He said in the most fake-nice tone he could muster. He then focused his gaze on the last fortune cookie on the table.

Daisy watched his eyes. "That's mine."

"I know." Kai says as he swiped it from her reach, opening up the plastic wrapping.

She watched with a hidden smile as he broke open the cookie. "But seriously. Thank you."

Kai shrugged it off, shoving another bite of food in his mouth with the chopsticks before unrolling the tiny piece of paper. Daisy watched as he read it. "What's it say?" She asked.

Kai thought for a moment, focusing on the paper for a little too long before speaking. He glanced up with raised eyebrows. "When fear hurts you, conquer it and defeat it." He spoke proudly.

Daisy cocked her head to the side a bit. "Wonder what that could be referring to." She spoke sarcastically.

"Hm, possibly the group of people we're about to conquer and defeat in about—" he glanced at the clock on the wall. "Half an hour?"

She glanced at the clock too before standing up quickly. "Let's leave now, I have an errand I need to run before we go."

He eyed her for a moment as she quickly started picking up the dinner mess. She didn't appear to be very on edge, and Kai didn't know how she couldn't be. She seemed excited more than anything.

"I'm gonna go get a car. Why don't you go grab the last of the things from the room and meet me outside?" Kai suggest, and Daisy nods.

Leaving the waiting room, he makes his way to the parking garage as Daisy picks up the last of the food, tossing it in the trash. She picks up the small piece of paper from the fortune cookie that he left on the table, unfolding it again, and reading it.

'The person you desire feels the same about you.'

She folded it back up quickly as she glanced back down the hall where Kai went. When he was out of sight, she opened it back up and read it over again. She knew it was the one that Kai just opened, but it definitely wasn't what he read aloud. She thought for a few moments before shoving the paper in her back pocket and leaving.

With Kai's newly gathered things in hand, which was pretty much only his pager, a half empty bag of pork rinds, and a grimoire he found nearby, she made her way to the parking garage to find Kai in the driver's seat hijacking a car.

kai parker • villains of circumstance ✔️Where stories live. Discover now