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song: doubt by joywave

"OH LOOK, FREDDY KRUEGER'S AWAKE." That obnoxious, gut wrenchingly infuriating, blood boiling voice that could only come from Damon Salvatore was the first thing Daisy heard.

She could feel the urge to just scream, for no other reason besides the fact that he annoyed her. Though she stayed still, her eyes fixated on the cream painted ceiling above her. "Freddy Krueger had burns on his face. Not scars." Daisy says annoyedly, her voice groggy as she came to.

"Burns are scars." Damon responds with an equally annoyed look.

"Oh, are you a doctor now?" Daisy says.

Despite the stinging sensation that still lingered in her neck, she turned to the left. She was sitting on a couch, in an apartment- her head propped up on a pillow. "No, but I do have an education past high school." Damon snapped back.

Josette, and Alaric, that same guy who knocked her out a couple days ago. She wondered if her being knocked out would become an every day thing.

"Is this an intervention?" Daisy asks boredly, turning back to stare at the ceiling again.

"Think of this more as a personal psych ward." Damon says, Daisy could practically hear the smirk that followed.

"Damon." Alaric says sternly. Daisy's eyes stay glued on the ceiling, surprisingly quite comfortable on this couch.

"What?" Damon says defensively. "Your girlfriend's the one that said she was crazy!"

Daisy quickly turned back to face them, beginning to sit up, though her nauseous reflexes begged her not to. "Crazy?" Daisy raised her eyebrows at Josette. "I'm not sure what else you'd expect."

"Oh, no no-" Damon began, shaking his head dramatically. "You were even crazy pre-prison world." He says.

Daisy's eyes stay glued on Josette, ignoring Damon's words. "Don't you remember the night of the Valentine's dance, right before you left to get your dad for help?" Daisy spoke, her words stinging before she even got to the punchline. Josette tried to remain unfazed, but it was hard when she knew was coming. "You were about to tell me something, what was it?" Daisy pried.

The memories were coming back like they happened yesterday. It wasn't even really something Daisy had thought about until right now, but as she remembered- everything began to make sense.

Josette swallowed harshly, averting her eyes. Daisy leaned back on the couch with a huff, letting out a few laughs as she watched Damon and Alaric's confused expression. "Just a school girl crush." Daisy nods at them with narrow eyes.

"Daisy." Josette snaps.

Daisy quickly redirects her attention back to her. "What?" She spoke with venom on her tongue. "I'm right, aren't I?"

Josette widens her eye, getting heated. "That—"

"Enough." Alaric says sternly, raising his voice. He looks at Daisy. "You are staying here, and out of the way until the merge is over." He says. "We don't want to hurt you- but we will."

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