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song: what is love by howard jones

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song: what is love by howard jones

ON NEW YEAR'S EVE, DAISY REFLECTED ON HER PAST SELF. She saw the emotional progress, the focusing on the relationships that really mattered to her. She dwelled on the positive thoughts, letting them soak in a little deeper, then took a deep and relaxing breath. Then the New Year can come.

1990. It didn't roll off the tongue the way 1989 did, and Daisy knew she'd be still be writing '89 on the top of her papers until at least May.

Daisy had spent New Year's Eve at Mike's club with Kai, there was a concert and a big party at Mike's house after. Unfortunately, Daisy doesn't remember any of it but she's sure it was fun.

Daisy walks downstairs to her kitchen, hoping to satisfy the hunger that fought inside her stomach before she got to school. She was pleased to have found leftover toast from her mother's breakfast sat on the counter. She took a bite from the overly burnt toast and walked over to the living room window, glancing over to Kai's house.

"Oh, good, you're still here." Susan says, walking downstairs in her work clothes. Daisy takes another bite from her toast, raising her eyebrows at her mom. "I got a call from your English teacher, Miss Wilson, this morning." Daisy chews, waiting for her mom to continue on. Susan sighs at Daisy's obvious uninterested. "Daisy you got an F in her class last semester." She says disappointedly.

Daisy shrugs. "Grades restart are semester, it's fine."

Susan shakes her head. "Well there's now an F on your transcript. And 4 D's."

"I have an A in PE." Daisy responds, wiping the toast crumbs off her mouth.

"Everyone has an A in PE." Susan responds, narrowing her eyebrows at her daughter.

Daisy shrugs again. "Not everyone—"

"Daisy that isn't the point." Susan says sternly. "Do you want to have to repeat senior year? Don't you want to go to college next year?"

"I haven't really thought about college." Daisy responds.

"See, that's the problem. You have to start thinking about your future." Susan says, Daisy clenches her jaw. "And everything you're doing will affect it. It may seem little now but you have to start caring about yourself, honey." Susan says, with a concerned voice.

Daisy inhales sharply. "Okay, mom." She says awkwardly, feeling a little disappointed in herself.

Susan frowns. "Is it because of Kai?"

Daisy looked up at her mother. "Why would this be about Kai?"

"Boyfriend's can be a distraction." Susan says. "And you guys are together every single day."

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