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song: mad world by tears for fears

THE DRESS WAS A SILK, ROSY PINK. One that matched the hue of her blushed cheeks. It was long like most bridesmaids dresses, and the sleeves fell and draped elegantly over the tops of her arms.

It was the first time she had felt truly pretty in years, maybe. She knew she looked pale and scrawny, but given what she was feeling on the inside— she felt the outside was at the least presentable for the occasion.

The venue was a barn, one that used to house animals but now was solely rented out for weddings. Caterers, florists, and decorators fled around the building, preparing the outside for the reception, and the inside for the ceremony.

Daisy lingered around inside, adjusting the bouquets of flowers that hung on the backs of chairs. She tried to make herself feel somewhat useful despite knowing Caroline had it fully under control.

"Daisy," Caroline spoke.

Daisy pulled away from the flowers quickly, as if she was doing something she wasn't supposed to. She turned around to face the girl. "What are we doing?" Caroline asks with a fake smile, eyeing the bouquet.

Daisy quickly understands that it was probably best if she just didn't touch anything. "We are..." she tries to come up with something. "I saw an ant, so I was just— getting rid of it."

Caroline nodded slowly, clearly not believing her. She walked over to her, putting her hands on her shoulders. "Why don't you go compel the decorators to put a little pep in their step." She suggests.

"Got it." Daisy obliges, trying to catch her feet up with the speed Caroline is leading her out the door in.

As Daisy heads outside, and Caroline back in, she hears her snap at someone named Tyler for touching the flowers too.

It was just as hectic out here, except with a little more air to breathe. She triple checked that her daylight ring was still on her finger as she stepped out of the shade and into the sun.

She beelined to the desert table, where freshly poured glasses of champagne sat in neatly organized rows. After pretending to scan the options for food, she grabbed a glass and downed it in one sip.

She set it back down on the table with a happy sigh, giving the caterer who was watching her in concern an embarrassed thumbs up. "It's good." She says, wiping her mouth.

The caterer takes the empty class hesitantly. "Maid of honor?" She asks.

Daisy leans on the table a bit, then nods.

"How do you know the bride?" She asks, just trying to make conversation.

"High sc—" she stops herself, remembering that her and Josette look about twenty years apart in age. "We— were neighbors. When I was younger and she..." she was rambling now, she knew that, but she couldn't stop. "She babysat me! Yeah. She was my babysitter. And so we're just really close now." She says. "Me and... me and Jo..." she physically couldn't get herself to stop talking.

She glances back down to the table she leaned against and grabbed another glass before walking away. "Jesus." She mutters, before downing another glass.

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