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song: compass by the neighbourhood

SOMEHOW, SHE WAS IN THE PASSENGER SEAT OF HIS CAR. After arguing about the possibility of taking two separate vehicles, Daisy found herself six hours into the ten hour drive. It's been pretty silent on both ends, except for the occasional argument over the respective driver taking a wrong turn and setting them off course.

"You need glasses." Kai says, glancing at the giant map Daisy had held up and was trying to read, and then back to the road.

"It says to take the next exit!" She yells frustratedly, gesturing towards the road.

"That would send us back to where we came from!" He yells back.

"Then you fucking read it!" She yells, crumbling up the map and tossing it at him, before slumping back in her seat, frustratedly crossing her arms.

"I'm driving!" He yells, flailing his arm at the road.

Daisy turns and looks at him like he's stupid. "Then stop driving it's not like you'll hold up traffic!" She yells, louder than him. Kai slams on the breaks, sending them both forward in their seat until the car came to a skidded stop. She stares at him with narrowed eyes. "Was that necessary?"

He lets out a huff before grabbing the map and looking for himself, he squinted his eyes and leaned forward, dragging his finger over the red line they were supposed to follow to get to Maine. Daisy watched him, waiting for the realization to wash over his face, and when it did, she gave him a satisfied smile before slumping back in her seat.

"That doesn't even make sense." He rolls his eyes, crumbling the map back up and tossing it to Daisy, before starting to drive again.
She rolls her eyes, hoping he was regretting taking her on this trip.

Kai knew they were there when the only thing you could see were the oceans and mountains. He'd never actually been to Maine, despite half his family living here, but he'd seen pictures from when his family visited during the Summer. Bar Harbor was small, just a fishing town and nothing special— but still somehow a tourist destination.

He glanced over at Daisy, who was curled up under a blanket in the passenger seat asleep, like she had been for the past three hours. When he brought the car to a stop, she slowly woke up, and he watched as she regained consciousness, processing where she was.

"Are we here?" She asks, her voice groggy and her eyes squinted from the sudden intake of light. Kai nods, taking the keys out of the car.

Daisy sits up and stretches. Kai got out of the car, walking around to the backseat to get his backpack. The breeze was much colder here, and she could already smell the salty air. Pushing her blanket off of her, she gets out of car and shuts the door behind her, putting her hands on her hips as she looked around at the new city.

The small shops and houses lived on docks, and past them was the ocean. Mountains surrounded them and the seagulls were obnoxiously loud.

"What now?" Daisy asks, turning to Kai. Hey eyelids were heavy as she was still waking up.

Kai shuffled through his bag, and he pulled out a compass, examining it. "Now we follow this." He says, before sending Daisy a nod and swinging his bag back over his shoulder.

kai parker • villains of circumstance ✔️Where stories live. Discover now