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song: dark red by steve lacy

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song: dark red by steve lacy

"YOU'RE GROUNDED." Susan says with a stern nod, and a surprising amount of anger.

"Mom, I'm not ten." Daisy responds, with an equal amount of annoyance.

"Skipping school?!" Susan narrows her eyebrows at her daughter. "Do you know how embarrassing it was to have to answer the phone at work and hear that my daughter skipped school?!"

"You're gonna tell me you didn't skip in high school?" Daisy rolls her eyes.

"You are failing school, Daisy. You promised me you'd do better." Susan rubs her temples.

"I'm sorry." Daisy shrugs, just trying to move the conversation along so she can go back upstairs to her bedroom.

Susan shakes her head. "No Kai. No Kai for two weeks."

"Two weeks?!" Daisy widens her eyes.

"Two weeks." Susan reassures.

Daisy groans, shaking her head at her mother, who looked like she hadn't slept in two weeks. "It was one day." Daisy whines.

"Wanna make it three weeks?!" Susan turns to her daughter with wide, angry eyes.

Daisy wipes her nose, an instinctive reaction to awkwardness. "No." She says quietly.

Susan scoffs. "Go upstairs." She shoos her daughter off.

Daisy lingers in the kitchen a little bit, as she watches her disappointed mother continue to pay the bills that came in the mail that morning. "How am I gonna get to school?" Daisy asks.

Susan huffs, then turns to her daughter. "You'll bike." She smiles.

"It's 40 degrees." Daisy retorts, with shock.

"Didn't stop you from roaming around the city today, did it?" Susan raises her eyebrows. "May I remind you that there is a murderer on the loose?"

Daisy runs her tongue against her bottom row of teeth, trying to shut herself up from keeping this conversation going any longer.  She turns on her heel and stomps her way to her room.

Kai was already waiting by his window, opening it up when he saw Daisy walk into her room. She walks over to hers, opening it and leaning out the window with an unhappy expression.

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