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song: after hours by the weeknd

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song: after hours by the weeknd

DAISY'S EYES HORRIFIEDLY TRAILED DOWN TO CAROL, desperately hoping she had hallucinated the whole thing. But there she laid, her eyes still open, but seeing nothing, as blood spewed from her head, covering the tile floor as it inched closer to Daisy's feet.

Daisy slowly looked up at Kai, "What have you done?" She asked, her voice trembling with terror.

"I saved you." Kai says, letting out a breath, holding his hand out for Daisy to help her step over Carol's body. "Come on, we gotta be quick."

Daisy was shaking so hard she looked like she was dancing, she didn't even process that she was moving out of the locker room until she was halfway down the hall being guided towards the library.

Kai turned on the library lights and shut the door behind him, quickly walking Daisy towards one of the study tables in between rows of shelves.

Fright consumed every cell in her body, swelling them with terror. With every second she practically felt the rise of her blood pressure, but she knew that this was the least of her worries.

"What the fuck have you done?!" She screamed as she shoved Kai away from her. Her voice coarse, and angry.

Kai stumbled back, but didn't appear phased by Daisy's sudden aggression. He looked like a tired parent just waiting for their child to stop throwing a tantrum.

"Why did you do that?!" She asks frantically, shaking her head quickly as tears began to fall from her eyes in disbelief.

Kai rubbed his temples, then turned to Daisy with a stern look on his face. "Because she was going to tell everyone and I couldn't just let her leave!" He spoke, like it was perfectly okay and justified.

"She was wasted she probably wouldn't even have remembered in the morning!" Daisy says back, flailing her arms out towards him. "You killed her."

"Don't try and play innocent with me, Daisy." Kai says annoyedly, rolling his eyes. "You were gonna do it anyways I just saved you the trouble."

"Oh, you're so righteous, Kai." She responded, just as annoyed and sarcastic. "Really, you're such a hero."

Kai breathed heavily, staring at Daisy with angry, annoyed eyes as she continued on. He hears the library door open, and turned to Daisy, who didn't hear it, and looked like she was about to say something else, but Kai quickly grabbed her face, colliding their lips together.

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