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song: rules by doja cat

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song: rules by doja cat

THE HALL WAS BUSTLING WITH STUDENTS as only ten minutes remained before the first bell rang. Daisy pushed past the group of band kids, who paid no attention to how much space they took up with their instrument cases.

She crossed her arms over her dark red coat, the morning chill creeping into the school from open doors. Students talked excitedly and ran about the halls, jokingly punching each other, or making out up against a wall— a perfect contrast against the flowers and notes taped up on Jenna Silvey's locker as a memorial.

Daisy eyed it as she walked by. Of course she felt bad, but she mostly felt bad for Jenna's family, not so much for her. She didn't admit that to others though. Jenna was just another one of the girls who found pleasure in tormenting Daisy all throughout high school, and at this point, what happened to her was bad karma.

The police hadn't dropped the case, and Daisy didn't think they would until someone was caught. She'd see Detective Alana and a few other deputies around the school once in a while, but they haven't spoken to her since the first day. George says they ruled Daisy out as a suspect after George said she was with him at home when Jenna was reportedly killed.

Daisy opened her locker, and immediately a yellow piece of paper fell as she swung the door open. She bent down and picked it up off the ground, only to see 'murderer' written in red lipstick across the page. She crumbled it up quickly, looking around cautiously from reflex.

Rumors of course flooded the school. Some people think Daisy did it, some people even think Carol did it. But they had no reason to back up their claims— they just wanted something interesting to happen within the school. Daisy threw the paper in a nearby trashcan and grabbed her books before shutting her locker again.

"Can we talk?" Someone spoke from behind her. Daisy almost jumped at the voice, and she turned to see Tommy. He looked almost... embarrassed.

"Right here?" Daisy swallowed, looking around at the busy hallway.

"Well—" Tommy says. "Outside."

Daisy smiled faintly in response, and Tommy returned it. It had been their first interaction since Daisy proposed they went on a break. She followed Tommy out to the front lawn, and they sat down on a stone bench, watching as students made their way indoors from the parking lot.

Daisy hugged her coat around her, and cursed herself for wearing a skirt and tights on such a cold day. "How are you?" She asks, raising her eyebrows.

Tommy nods. "Alright." He says after a sharp inhale. He hesitates before he speaks again. "I miss you."

Daisy was surprised at his words for a second. She was unsure how to react, and she couldn't tell if she was relieved or disappointed that this 'talk' wasn't going to lead to a break up. She clenched her jaw. "You do?" She spoke.

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