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this is not the final chapter
ik i put on my message board that the next update would be the last one but this was too long in itself, so i'm splitting it up into two!

my bad. enjoy!

song: working for the knife by mitski

IT'S THAT DAY OF DROWNING, here again, the cold wash only she could feel. She didn't want to get up. She didn't want to move at all. And in that moment it took all the strength she had to make a good choice, to reach for an oxygen tank and take a breath.

She felt no heart beating in her chest, though she was still living through it. She still felt sad, bored, and tired. She still felt human though she knew she was the furthest thing through it.

Daisy clung to her stomach as she curled into herself under her blankets. There was a pain that ate at her brain, telling her that there was nothing left for her anymore. Her real destiny ended the day of the Valentine's dance, and until now she was just a walking corpse— awaiting her days of rest.

She knew her plans for the day, she knew she couldn't just sit here and rot any further. Josette was coming over, and she couldn't let her see her like this. Forcing herself to pull the duvet off her cold body, she lugged herself out of bed.

The apartment she had been living in for the past couple months was still empty. She'd gotten a few pieces of furniture, just enough for normal every day living— but what was the point of decorating when she didn't plan on staying much longer?

She made her way to the bathroom, turning on the faucet to wash her face. As she awaited the water to warm, she looked up at her reflection in the mirror.

Her mirror self looked back at her like the fire in her eyes has been dowsed with ice water, if anything it makes the blue more pale. She wasn't used to it, it unnerved her. She wanted her to give freely like she always did but she won't. It's like she just crawled right back inside some invisible shell and no matter how hard she tried she's unreachable. She moves her eyes more slowly, like they're heavy, an effort to move.

A knock from the front door made her jump. She turned off the faucet, and heard a heartbeat. Walking quickly to the door, she realized she was still in her big t-shirt from the day before. And the day before that. But Josette wouldn't say anything.

She opened the door, and felt her lips curl up into a smile— whether it was genuine or forced, she couldn't tell anymore. "Good morning." She spoke, opening the door wider.

Josette walked in with a brown paper bag. "It's one o'clock." She scoffed, but not in a demeaning manner.

Daisy shut the door behind her. "Oh." She said awkwardly. "For me?" She says knowingly, as Josette puts the paper bag down on the small wooden table in the kitchen.

Josette let's out a small huff. "Special delivery." She says.

Daisy nodded, already knowing what was inside. She walked over and pulled out a chair for Josette to sit in. "How are you feeling?" Daisy asks.

Josette puts her hands on her pregnant belly, only a few weeks to her due date. "Fine." She shrugs. "Ready to get 'em out." She rubs her temples. "They just keep kicking—" Josette flinches as a reaction to what was assumedly a kick from one of the twins.

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